
Whatever it takes to hit home, even if classic self interest in this case is a candy bar.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

Imagine my surprise to see my very own home County as the featured image. The struggle is real. ShenCo Dems intend to mail up towards 10,000 postcards to voters in our annual attempt to move the middle (of which there are few in this ruby red area). We have elections every year - exhausting. Our messaging issues: Abortion rights are #1. Saving democracy is #2. Climate change #3. MAGAts don't want to save democracy, nor do they care about climate change. The extremists are even resisting a 50 mile rail-to-trail, preferring NO economic development so they can blame the libs. Nevertheless, we persist.

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Good question, Ruth. At the level of Public Notice we obviously have more latitude. Effective politicians have the ability to do the translating. Our point is not to get paralyzed into assuming the cultural rift is real and to keep pointing out how contrived the GOP effort is. Dems are now doing it on Capitol Hill with great effectiveness.

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Excellent post, thank you!

Republicans seem to believe that anytime the government needs funding for critical needs, it’s always presented within a background of assumed incompetence due to wasteful spending. They present themselves as leaders that can do it all and cut taxes at the same time.

With April 15 coming up, media will do their part to reinforce this narrative. Will they interview anyone who appreciates government and understands that they can obtain more money by repealing, even partially appealing, the massive Trump tax cuts for the rich?

Hell would have to freeze first.

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I am tired of the grievance argument since Republicans, when they have political power, do nothing to improve their communities. I live in MO where Republicans have been in control of the legislature for about 20 years. We got Medicaid expansion through a voter ballot initiative, and one for abortion rights will be voted on in November. MO is definitely an urban (St Louis, St Louis County, Kansas City and Columbia) versus rural state. MO has underfunded public education and teacher pay and Republicans are now pushing vouchers, which are a scam. Teacher pay is among the lowest in the country, teacher shortages are common, many rural districts have a 4 day school week, and most rural communities are in a medical desert. And now, Republicans are pushing to eliminate the corporate income tax, some are even talking about eliminating the individual income tax. One of our neighboring states, Kansas, tried something similar in the recent past and it was a total financial disaster. Voting Republican in MO makes absolutely no sense since the party delivers nothing.

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Great piece! Now how do you dumb this down for average intelligence? I’m constantly being accused of making these arguments with “too many SAT words.” When making intellectual arguments about our present epistemological and constitutional crisis in regular conversations with those in my orbit, I’m always met with two comments: 1) “most people don’t know all this stuff like you do” ; and “you should run for office.” The latter is not an option and the former is just pathetic. It’s especially frustrating and terrifying to endeavor sharing the axiomatic ideas conveyed in this piece in GOP states like AZ. Suggestions?

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excellent post, although THIS Democrat was deeply aware of the propaganda campaign of the Right from the moment of that escalator ride-diatribe about Mexicans.

Ironically, there WAS a non-mythical past that greatly benefitted rural areas. It was called the New Deal--Rural Electrification Act, prevention of bank runs that would wipe out farmers' capital, the Agricultural Adjustment Act. Somehow that isn't what the ensorcelled rural voter wants to think about, nor about the jobs coming to their areas thanks to Biden's administration.

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RFK Jr’s popularity works because he is taking some of the lunch these colonialist (American Oligarchs) are bringing to the table. It reminds me of the biblical story of the conversation between Jesus and a gentile woman looking for faith. Her expression was ‘even the dogs eat scraps from the table’.

People are seeking and people are feeding.

Your message, YOUR FAITH must be greater to attract the hungry.

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This is brilliant. It took me days to get to this. Boil it down to combatting evil at least in your mind but don't you dare say that out loud. Understanding the underpinnings and a wisdom of approach is needed. Hate and partisanship go nowhere good. Most people, I have to believe, will put down their guns and vote for what is in their best interest rather than the quick fix of sticking it to everyone and bringing it all down.

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