It says something about the standards of journalism in the USA that Trump's arguments/pleadings over the Socks case weren't slapped down immediately by ANY press outlet as ridiculous by asking any lawyer who isn't a partisan hack. The argument should only be heard/reported in the fringe media. Unhappily large parts of the media in the US are fringe media - or should be in a healthy democracy.

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I disagree with Luttig. Corrupt Bill Barr would not have brought charges. He would have buried the entire thing.

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I agree. The reason he would not have brought charges is because Bill Barr would not have had an investigation in the first case. Of course, that would have made the National Archive toothless, or would they have had some other recourse?

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The Yoda meme that says "The stupid is strong in this one" would be appropriate here.

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I think I know where this might be going. Trump's defense is going to be a preemptive ineffective counsel claim. As lawyers drop like flies, Trump will posture himself as now fighting the "deep state legal system" or some such nonsense. Guys like Corcoran and Kise will become the villains of the story. Can't you just see Trump at rallies: "It's CORCORAN and KISE everyone!!!" The conspiracy theories will begin circulating, which will fuel online chatter, which will be used as "evidence" that there is a "there there." Manufactured, as usual, from whole cloth in the Trump factory.

But. Does Judge Cannon allow that as a defense? She can say, "no." This is where the public needs a better representation of what is happening in our legal system. It is the bulwark of our country, and Western civilization in general. This is where bullshit goes to die, or better put where it is supposed to die. Now, the judge is simply blamed as an "Obama" appointee, or a "Bush" appointee. Yes, they are saying that Trump was "eviscerated" in court, or something like that, but the reporting makes it seem the judge did everything. The public need to better see WHAT evidence or excuse Trump is presenting, in addition to how most of it defies reason, logic, and common sense.

So - back to Judge Cannon. I do not know her complete backstory aside from her inappropriate rulings and beatdowns on appeal, etc. Sure, a Trump appointee. But is she willing to throw it all away? She is going to be seeing the enormous amount of evidence against Trump. As will his own attorneys, which will be critical if he is convicted. I do not believe we have grasped the enormity of what those documents represent. As in that, first, these are the types of things we absolutely cannot see, or ever really want to see. Here, I'm not sure how this is done. I don't think the judge and lawyers will have access to the trove stashed at Mar-a-Lago. Perhaps a representative sampling? Either way, the judge, Trump's attorneys, and possibly the jury eventually will be brought into this world of recognizing, if they are the least bit rational, how catastrophic this could have been (or is, we don't know). I think this reckoning will put the judge in a position where she will not be able to consider tanking this case.

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Reply self: In regards to the classified evidence, Trump's own lawyers will be able to verify that indeed, we can't see that stuff. They'll be able to say, "Dude, I don't even want to know what I know right now." Now eventually, Trump will have a chorus of Capuchin monkeys in the courtroom banging cymbals. It will get to the point where Trump will churn through attorneys until he has one that can't get the security clearance to look at the White House kitchen cookbook. That's when he jumps out and claims he was protecting something for the American people that the government won't let them see. Just watch.

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Thank you Liz Dye for a very interesting and informative article on The Socks Drawer.

Please convey all of our warmest thoughts to Aaron

on a difficult weekend for

him and family.

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It's important that we all understand that Trump is not mounting any serious legal defense. He knows he has none to mount. What he is doing instead is mounting a political defense in order to keep his rabid MAGA base on board and energized enough to make him the 2024 Republican Presidential nominee. As the nominee, he can order state GOP leaders in the swing states of GA, PA, WI, AZ and NV to make sure Trump is the winner - or at least quickly (on Election night) be declared to be the winner. This order from Trump will further empower GOP leaders in all red and swing states to maximize their use of gerrymandering and voter suppression. No repeat of 2020 will be tolerated. It's hard to imagine that plans are not now being developed by GOP leaders to guarantee a Trump victory.

Trump totally understands that he has only one chance to avoid prison and that chance requires that he get back in the White House in January, 2025. At this point in time, there appears to be at least a 50% probability that Trump could succeed - in which case what remains of American democracy would completely be eviscerated. Sadly, this is exactly what tens of millions of Trump supporters also want.

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Glad to see that Socks Clinton gets a shoutout amid all these references to the Clinton Socks case. TIL Socks was the star of an aborted Sega Genesis game that I definitely would have bought https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socks_the_Cat_Rocks_the_Hill

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Great piece. One thing....linking to Truth Social gives the dumbass a “click through” which in turns ratifies his belief that his failing social media company is actually thriving. Using a screenshot would be so much more appropriate. Yes?

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I am still wondering whether the government has gotten all of the documents back from Former President Donald Trump. I somehow doubt it. I think Judge Lutting is trying to be prescriptive. He is in essence advising Republicans that they should be this way. However, they are not as evidenced by how many are following the MAGA crowd even if it supposedly is against their more moderate stance.

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