Jan 2, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

If McCarthy becomes Speaker, I will put his photo next to a head of lettuce, and the race will be on!

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But how will we be able to tell which is which?

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

Terrific look back and forward. Thanks for this; perfect re-entry reading. Looking forward to another year of Public Notice’s valuable reporting.

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Thank you Lisbeth!

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

I don’t think it will make any difference who the Republicans pick to be speaker. The GOP will have no policies regardless and they already stated their intent to run useless investigations until the next election.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

I have small love for McCarthy but in all truth how could anyone deal with such mindless, bellicose extremists as the hard core members of the Republican Freedom Caucus? Can anyone imagine the Democrat progressive wing voting against Nancy Pelosi for speaker in 2020? The Republican conservative base have reportedly voted for people who will “fight” and have now got people who will fight uncompromisingly against people on their own side. If the Freedom Caucus isn’t careful the bloody-mindedness might extend to moderate Republicans in swing districts who don’t want to wear the consequences of debt defaulting and government shut downs. The Republicans really could split into warring factions. Intra-party tensions are often intense but are controlled by a commitment to what’s best for the party. The Republican right just doesn’t seem to have that constraint. I’m surprised this potential split hasn’t got more media attention. PS Great article!

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I feel that, despite what promises to be a bare-knuckle fight, McCarthy will win the Speakership only to greatly regret it. The Republicans will, no doubt, descend into internecine fighting and, obviously, have no plans to govern - well, beyond what monkey-wrenches they can throw into any serious effort to craft a budget or loosen the debt ceiling. I'm not generally given to predictions, but my money is on ol' Kevin not making it the full 2 years as Speaker.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

Gee. I’m feeling better already. Thanks, Aaron. Seriously, though, thanks for resetting the stage. It’s mind boggling that 30-40 screaming memes have been handed so much influence by the rest of the GOP.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

Their policy platform is: Hate, hate, hate, tax cuts for the rich, Hunter Biden’s laptop and impeach everyone who fights for democracy. That should work out well for them.

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And the media...who will run with it to fill their space.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

Regarding defacto...this is firstly for non-Freedom Caucus members to step up to the plate if they are to prove that not every single one of them is defacto as nihilist as well and out to destroy government in this country. McCarthy is so openly craven; would not be other than a weak leader totally unable to lead responsibly and do the right thing for the country ( if that has any meaning anymore for the GOP or if we indeed live in the same country anymore). I read here above Bannon's about Gaetz and Greene becoming defacto speakers in the ensuing chaos. Biden would say 'no joke folks". They will distract with their war against him, and absurdly, his son's laptop. The nude photos will work for the media as well. We need todo more than laugh at this. Democrats need to get loud even now warning what may be coming-- is coming.

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Dead right Potter. People like me in Australia can laugh at this clown show but if they're running a house of government in your own country you need to sound the alarm and appeal to the quieter but sensible majority to take action.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

I feel like we’ve seen shockingly few instances of real consequences for guys like McCarthy who have tried to pretend they are reasonable pre-Trump Republicans while pandering to the extremists in the party. Maybe this will be another instance in the end!

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

I think the Freedom Caucus is just the renamed Tea Party Caucus from 2011. So it has a longer history.

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I was a congressional staffer for my congresswoman, Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH1) from 2007-11 (and also from 2013-14, and 2017-18). She was the first Dem to win that seat in more than 20 years--it was an R district. During the 2010 campaign, we held about a dozen town meetings and they were crazy and scary. The attendees screamed at her, police had to be present and often threw people out, and on one occasion, one woman tried to choke the woman sitting in front of her because she didn't agree with her. It seemed that they simply hated government and wanted to dismantle it. They thought the ACA was some kind of plot to "force" them to have health care, and that the government was trying to take away their social security and Medicare, which they didn't seem to realize were government programs. They wanted to dissolve the Depts. of Energy and Education. They were tea partiers, and the (later confirmed lawbreaking & corrupt) NH1 R candidate, Frank Guinta, who was elected in 2010, was one of them. I think you'll find that the Freedom Caucus is the same as the earlier Tea Party Caucus.

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Dear SD Mayer. That is important and very disturbing information. Thanks for putting it up.

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

I don't understand why Democrats continue to abide by rules that no longer exist. If McCarthy agrees to the rule that any single Rep, or even five, can make a motion to vacate, Democrats should do it three times a day every day. It's not like McCarthy is going to be able to stop them. And if Republicans insist on debt ceiling shutdown, Biden should just ignore them and make them sue. And if SCROTUS rules in their favor, Biden should ignore them too. That's what separate but equal means, none of them can tell the other what they can or cannot do. Can't anybody here play this game?

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

Thank you for keeping our eyes wide open, on what's in store as

the rethuglicans, by the slimmest

number in our country's history,

move into the House.

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I've never heard of the Rethuglicans before but I'll sure use it again Victoria!

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

Here we go - the Kindergarten Congress 🙄

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

I don't remember who wrote it but a news organization's tweet wrote "Tea Party" instead of calling far right Congressional members "MAGA". I took that as an attempt to distance them from Trump for some reason. His downfall has been swift and relentless.

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I think they should run the new guy for speaker, George Santos. He stands for the party values of lying, grifting and being an all around criminal. He is even wanted for crimes in Brazil. Of course I am experiencing Schadenfreude over the troubles of McCarthy. I had once read an article that greed, which is supposed to be a bad character trait, does not cause the greedy and ruthless harm. They rarely get an up-commence. Instead they get away with what they do. That is what the USA has seemed like since Reagan who was the king who turned it all around with his New Deal and said it was okay to be self-centered, self-promoting and let your ego swell with pride as you shout look at ME, ME, ME! Donald Trump took that to the extreme, but the stage had been set almost 4 decades years earlier by Ronald Reagan. Now, it appears that the corrupt, incompetent Republican party of miscreants is turning on itself. Let them put in an extremist, or the more moderate might try going Sinema's route and becoming Independent. In that way they can vote Hakeen Jeffries in as Speaker of the House. The country would be better off for it.

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If we survive this madness, I wonder how history will recall this descent into chaos in 50 years. I won’t be here but maybe I’ll come back as a ghost and watch the documentary.

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