If those moron 2nd Circuit judges hadn’t ruled in Tucker’s favor under the “no reasonable person would believe him” theory, then maybe a January 6th doesn’t happen.

Now that Dominion has kicked in the doors, Fox is trying to be on its best behavior. But it’s too late. They broke something important in our country with their lies and now they’re ready to lie storm anyone on the right, for any reason.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

I agree with your opinion of the 2nd Circuit judges but if Fox is being on it's best behavior I'm yet to see it Grant!. Sadly Fox is so profitable it can readily swallow the $750 million odd settlement and it's business model is still intact.

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It can swallow one of those, but not an endless string of them, and there is another behemoth coming. Being a public company also means being held accountable by its shareholders for those losses.

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I question whether a media business should be more beholden to its shareholders than to the people. I think the US government should take the company away from Murdoch and make it a public television station. I have been saying for a long time, as I watch Fox News, which is the worst of the major channels go down the rabbit hole of tabloid news. This was a big thing with my Scottish roommate in college. I did not read the tabloids but she had to have her daily fix, which is why I know that the word "Alien" or "Aliens," as in things like, "Aliens stole my baby!" were on a lot of the front pages as headers. Back then Aliens referred to creatures from outer space, not our neighboring country's inhabitants, as the White Supremacists here use it. My roommate was just drawn to that junk. I think it was a big part of pop culture in Britain in the 80s. In any case, Rupert Murdoch has imported that here in a big way, and he is not a native to this country. He is an immigrant that bought his way in. Being a golden passport country we have attracted some good investment that way, but also the bad. I do not believe that Murdoch or Musk or any foreign born people should be able to own more than 25% in total of any media concern in this country. Where was the regulatory agency when this happened? Suffering from Ronald Reagans anti-government hijinks I guess. The deregulation of our media industry has led to this criminal business masquerading as news. Rupert Murdoch and Elon Musk are both guilty of destroying a news media business, and we the people should be able to class action sue Fox News for inciting insurrection in our nation, and destabilizing our democracy, the democracy that our constitution expects us to have.

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Well said. 👏🏼👏🏽👏🏼👏🏽👏🏼

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"...take the company away from Murdoch and make it a public television station..."

Do you mean just nationalize it, canabalize it, desolve it, put the funds from the sale of it's assets into NPR? Is that legal? That sounds rather autocratic. Is there a president for this? Who can tell us?

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There is not a USA precedent for this, but there are countries that do not allow foreigners to just buy up their media.


I am saying that if the laws changed to protect our media it would prevent this, and yes, forced sale of the media to an American born and raised might be a way to go. Or their would be partial ownership, but not complete. I say not more than 25% foreign ownership.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

We always knew that the Fox Propaganda Network was utterly irresponsible with the truth or more accurately with the lies. This shows that Tucker Carlson and his mates are utterly irresponsible morally. They must have known that Epps was likely to suffer serious consequences by making false accusations and might have been prepared to check the accuracy of their account before fingering not a Democrat but a random member of the public. But no, the monster of bombast, lies and deceit didn't care one whit. I suppose I'm not really surprised.

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I'm not surprised, but disappointed, let down, feeling abused.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar, Liz Dye

I read any article that has Liz Dye's name attached to it. This piece on Epps is one of many reasons why I follow her.

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If Epps were some kind of government operative, he was an incredibly stupid one. Bet he wishes he’d stayed home that day.

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This is so funny! People will becwriting songs about it.

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Thanks for explaining all this. I wondered how he was going to sue for defamation if indeed he does get charged by the Feds as they’ve said they will (although other reports said he wouldn’t because there’s evidence he was trying to protect cops) - because how can you harm the reputation of a criminal. The “false light” tort is fascinating. Good luck to anyone trying to eat away at the bottom line of Fox

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