A: I’m pretty sure this is the same MO official who tried to say a ballot measure restoring abortion rights in MO would cost the state 51 billion $$.

B: The clit has over 8000 nerve endings & still isn’t as sensitive as Elon Musk.

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A CA judge threw out Musk's lawsuit against CCDH on similar grounds, saying Musk was trying to punish CCDH for criticizing Twitter. As mentioned here, Bailey is the genius who who tried to stop a ballot initiative on abortion rights claiming it would cost MO billions of dollars of lost revenue. He lost this battle in court and the initiative is currently gathering votes for November. MO Attorney General prior to Bailey was Eric Schmidt (got elected to Senate) and prior to Schmidt it was running man Hawley. The pattern is unmistakable. Get elected AG, file idiotic lawsuits, get on conservative TV and then run for higher office all at the expense of MO taxpayers. But, never fear, the Republican House just passed a bill to eliminate the corporate income tax in MO (it's only 4%) because even though this was done next door in Kansas and caused catastrophic financial damage, stupidity can be contagious. MO has one of the lowest levels of teacher salaries, shortages of teachers and many rural districts have 4-day school weeks due to lack of funding. Our Republican legislators are pushing vouchers to drain more funds from education. But, yesterday, St Louis voted against all 13 right-wing candidates for school board positions. It's slow and exhausting work to fight this, but I think people are finally getting fed up.

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Bullies with Benjamins are the worst kind.

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Apartheid Clyde is more of a snowflake than Trumplethinskin.

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Yea, Bailey is an idiot. But this Missourian is heading over to Media Matters to make a big fat donation right now. I’m also a Tesla owner and can’t imagine why Tesla’s 1Q performance was so bad. I’m sure it has nothing to do with Musk trashing the brand. He needs to go.

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