Oct 30, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

People are entitled to believe whatever they like. They are not entitled to foist those beliefs on the rest of us!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

And that’s it. That’s exactly the “freedom” that Republicans cannot abide and are staunchly hypocritical about.

They will pontificate at length with self-righteous moral fervor about “freedom” and how important it is and how much they support it and... fight tooth-and-mail against any legislation that actually grants it to people.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

Someone needs to tell Godly Mike that history shows that when the church gets into bed with the state the church gets corrupted a heck of a lot faster than the state gets sanctified.

More pointedly he needs to be told that Christians are a minority and the bible seems to say they are always going to be a minority. He and other powerful Christians ought to be told that they ought to be all in favour of letting unbelievers have friendom and not develop grudges against Christians by legislating onto them an alien moral code. Because it's a pretty safe bet that soon enought the majority will take power over the minority and may be cheesed off to really, truly victimize minority Christains.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

“when the church gets into bed with the state the church gets corrupted a heck of a lot faster than the state gets sanctified”

If a church wants to get into bed with the state the church is ALREADY corrupted.

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I hadn't thought of that but that sounds true. That said I recon if a corrupt church gets into bed with the state the corruption will increase enormously. Power is a tremendous corruptive agent.

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Let's see the Evangelical church got in bed with fat old Trump, and that abomination wants to get in bed with the state. Great. That won't wash off, people.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

Reading this piece in tandem with Judd Legum’s in today’s Public Information is a superb 1-2 punch dive into Mike Johnson Theocrat!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

Actually when I saw Johnson say he 'can't even remember some of them' meaning his homophobic comments my reaction was this was probably the case because he's said so many of them.

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Well, hopefully his term as Speaker won't extend past January of 2025.

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Indeed. But we can’t just sit in hope.

Hopefully Trump would never be elected. Hopefully some Republicans in the House would have the integrity to work with Democrats in picking a Speaker and moving forward.

How did those work out?

We can’t just hope. Hope without concrete, sustained action is just suicide.

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January 25, 2025 is too far away.......

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

“Because what Johnson means when he says that his worldview is that of the Bible is not that he’s going to make a good faith (as it were) effort to follow biblical prescriptions. Rather, it means he’s certain that his own particular white evangelical Christian nationalist tradition is sanctioned by God, and that, therefore, whatever smug and barmy thing comes out of his mouth is divinely inspired.” Scary stuff

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Yes, I'm reminded of George W. Bush praying about whether we should attack Iraq as Cheney was advising him.

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Mike Johnson is the worst kind of zealot. He has a placid and plausible exterior while inside he's a raging lunatic.

And the young-earth BS? I fervently hope I never meet an idea that is more intellectually bankrupt than that one.

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I understant that the very Orthodox Jews in Israel teach that. A friend of mine left his homeland (Tel Aviv) when 18 because he was his father's last hope of having a Rabbi in the family of 10 or more children who believed as he did.

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As a Christian myself, I'm sick & tired of the GOP using God to promote their agenda. I'm sure God is, too.

I don't know who scares me more--Johnson or Trump.

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Thank you, Ronni.

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keep it coming.... These christofascists are terrifying and WAPO, NYT et all are already busy normalizing his Mike Johnsons brand of psychosis. Maybe if you keep on it legacy media will do the right thing

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The swelling support of Christofascism and Talibangelicals in Congress is terrifying. Vote blue because our lives depend upon it.

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Mike is 2 seats away from the Presidency. Let us hope that Biden and Harris stay in good health.

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Not now—I'm praying to Mike Johnson's White Christofascist God to strike him down in public with a lightning bolt for giving Him a bad name....

Sorry—"Her". 😁

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Excellent information, plus the bonus of a fun new word—“barmy!” I will use it often!

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It feels like my mother has been reincarnated as MAGA Mike. Especially the belief that the Bible is literal, that the earth is 6000 years old. She's been dead for decades now so I can't get into this with her, but I think I remember she thought dinosaur fossils were "faked" and planted by godless heathens, doing the Devil's work.

If still alive, she would be very, very into Speaker Johnson and feel this is God's will that he has been elevated to second in line to be President. And I feel she would be praying for that event to happen quickly.

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It amazes me what stands for Democracy as ordained by these far right Christo fascists . And Mike Johnson’s one of the worst . He claims that he knows what God wants and God apparently wants whateverMike Johnson and his follower s want . Whose rule is it ? Not Gods . Not on your life is God as narrow minded and miserly as these people proclaim.

God wants Mike Johnson to mind his own business.

Work harder Mike . So far not so good.

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Wonderful précis on the religious beliefs and statements from our Speaker of the House! People must learn this much and more about the man 2nd in line to become President. What a peculiar and repellent philosophy of life he holds! Johnson's distortions about why Trump should have replaced Biden even though he lost the election make more sense when we realize how Johnson distorts Biblical metaphor (e.g., 6000 years) to erase science and intelligence.

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