Sep 18, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

I didn’t watch the show yesterday (want to keep my blood pressure down) but I continue to be amazed at tv journalists being unable to be prepared for many of Trump’s common lies. For example, every time he is asked about why he held the classified documents his answer is always a variation on “the Presidential Records Act allows it.”

If I were preparing an interview with him I would expect that answer to a question about the documents. My prepared response would be, “we’ve heard you make this claim before. I’m going to have the actual text of the Act put on the screen and am giving you a copy of the text. I have been unable to find anything in the text that gave you the right to hold the documents. Could you please show us where in the text it specifically gives a president the right to hold classified documents after leaving office?”

Now that doesn’t seem so hard, does it?

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Great reply. They know every lie he will tell. BE PREPARED. Don’t just be concerned about access.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

The pushback was so rare it was maddening to watch this. I turned off the tv to keep from screaming. The man has the mind and temperament of petulant child; Welker approached this interview like a babysitter who’d never encountered an infant before.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

Coupla things. First of all, does a Trump in interview *really* get good ratings? I mean, if one is an exclusive Fox viewer and staunch GOP/Trump supporter, I really can't see him watching MSNBC just to see Trump. Trump's his guy, and he knows everything he needs to know.

Secondly, in what world is Welker living in, where infanticide (murdering a baby after it's born) is the same as an "abortion later in pregnancy"? It really seems like she, and NBC by extension, really wanted to give Trump every benefit of the doubt.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

Thank you Aaron! This is an excellent post.

We need to challenge journalists to find any hospital in America that has this in their policy and procedure manuals.

They will not find one.

However, it’s a lie that is so heartbreaking and horrific that’s why it is being repeated over and over. It’s a political winner for the religious right. It sustains their valuable culture warriors army.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

Respectfully, I think any non-right wing platform interviewing Trump is a terrible idea. If you don't legitimize him and make him feel "good," then he just gets mad and screams over the interviewer and calls them nasty names. Let him spew his lies and venom in platforms that already legitimize him and don't give him any more mainstream exposure. He is not a reasonable person.

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This was totally predictable, we've seen her interviewing "skills" before. NBC should be ashamed of this but instead they are promoting Trump and Welker's interview like it is true journalism. Disgraceful, and same to Andrea Mitchell for promoting it on her show, and for that matter ANY other MSNBC or NBC commentator who promotes this Authoritarian propaganda.

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That interview was a travesty. I don't know what else can or should be said.

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Putting Rapist P01135809 on TV is promoting fascism and normalizing a psychopath. But you said it far more eloquently

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Whoever assigned her this aggravating as hell interview needs to go away.

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What I read this morning is that many legal experts are calling the interview “masterful” because she got Trump to say, several times, he trusted his instincts on how to interfere in the election results and did not listen to any of his attorneys. This eviscerates his reliance on advice of counsel defense and hands Jack Smith a new video for trial.

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Getting Trump to say some thing self-incriminating does not require any skill. He loves to hear himself talk and isn’t capable of recognizing that anything he ever did was wrong, so naturally he says things that are damaging to himself.

Crediting Welker for getting him to do so during her atrocious interview of him is like praising the sun for rising in the morning. It’s going to happen no matter what you say to it.

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Great post, thanks

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Brian Kareem as interviewer

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*Brian Karem

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Are legacy media outlets being played by Trump, or are WE being played by legacy media outlets?

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“Mr President” and a walk to show off his golf course-- Tell me why. An agreement NBC made with him so they can have more access... They truly have not learned a thing since 2016!!!

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Thank you Aaron. Great report this morning and hopefully more ammunition for Jack Smith.

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I'm glad I didn't watch that interview - it sounds disgusting.

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