I don't think another word should be written about what the dems did wrong. When you are living in an insane world, the odds are overwhelmingly against sanity no matter how it is presented.
Of course if we choose a gangster president, he is going to pick gangster myrmidons who will choose to staff their own gangster myrmidons.
Aside from Patel's gross unfitness:
"When Patel talks about what he plans to do, it’s clear he wants to give the agency more power, not less. He’s promised to “go out and find the conspirators [against Trump] not just in government, but in the media.”
Question one- Did Trump lose the 2020 election? What can a liar say that would be believed?
But this is a time when people are exhausted and looking close to home to celebrate the holidays. Trump has a list of gangster loyalists to propose apparently and Senators will get tired. He's probably counting on this. People in a recent polls APPROVED of Trump and his transition.
(Think what you will of polls, what else do we have?)
So I am hearing "apres moi le deluge" from some who are just exhausted.
Trump should not ever get near the most powerful position, perhaps in the world. We cannot exist as a democracy like this despite all the warnings too many ears are elsewhere, shoulders shrugging.
People, a good number of them, seem to want dictatorship. The pushback has to be a lot harder than in the grooves of the channels we have dug. Trump is savvy. But some say he's old and won't last, that these folks will do themselves in. "it can't happen here". 🤷🏼
Not only does it clearly show that Trump doesn't care at all about the country except to the point it gives him what he wants, it also clearly demonstrates the hideous arrogance of his nominees. Almost none of his nominees have anywhere near the experience or knowledge to run the departments and agencies that he nominates them for. They want these positions for self aggrandizement, power and financial gain. When the top of the organization is a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist, it tells everyone downstream that they too can do whatever they want. I do hope that Congressional Republicans realize that neither Trump, the nominees or Muskaswamy will suffer when things go south, but a lot of Republicans run the very real risk of being voted out of office.
I don't think another word should be written about what the dems did wrong. When you are living in an insane world, the odds are overwhelmingly against sanity no matter how it is presented.
Of course if we choose a gangster president, he is going to pick gangster myrmidons who will choose to staff their own gangster myrmidons.
Aside from Patel's gross unfitness:
"When Patel talks about what he plans to do, it’s clear he wants to give the agency more power, not less. He’s promised to “go out and find the conspirators [against Trump] not just in government, but in the media.”
Question one- Did Trump lose the 2020 election? What can a liar say that would be believed?
But this is a time when people are exhausted and looking close to home to celebrate the holidays. Trump has a list of gangster loyalists to propose apparently and Senators will get tired. He's probably counting on this. People in a recent polls APPROVED of Trump and his transition.
(Think what you will of polls, what else do we have?)
People do not pay attention, do not know who these nominees-to-be are. They do not know this: https://campaignlegal.org/update/trump-stalling-his-presidential-transition-unprecedented-ethics-stalemate
So I am hearing "apres moi le deluge" from some who are just exhausted.
Trump should not ever get near the most powerful position, perhaps in the world. We cannot exist as a democracy like this despite all the warnings too many ears are elsewhere, shoulders shrugging.
People, a good number of them, seem to want dictatorship. The pushback has to be a lot harder than in the grooves of the channels we have dug. Trump is savvy. But some say he's old and won't last, that these folks will do themselves in. "it can't happen here". 🤷🏼
For those like me who don’t know French: “apres moi le deluge” translates to «After me, the flood.»
it comes from the French Revolutionary period and has come to mean all hell breaks loose:chaos. The Queen is supposed to have said it. Nihilistic.
Lous 14th said it.
Au contraire Louis Quinze
The Fifteenth…. Look it up
Thanks. Off by one.
Mme Pompadour
Patel is the person that the Intelligence community should sabotage, sue, and subvert.
Oh, things can get much, much worse … the lickspittle nominations can get confirmed!
I just want to cry.
Sobering as Hell.
Not only does it clearly show that Trump doesn't care at all about the country except to the point it gives him what he wants, it also clearly demonstrates the hideous arrogance of his nominees. Almost none of his nominees have anywhere near the experience or knowledge to run the departments and agencies that he nominates them for. They want these positions for self aggrandizement, power and financial gain. When the top of the organization is a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist, it tells everyone downstream that they too can do whatever they want. I do hope that Congressional Republicans realize that neither Trump, the nominees or Muskaswamy will suffer when things go south, but a lot of Republicans run the very real risk of being voted out of office.