We have Trump and McConnell to thank for appointing such an unqualified and incompetent judge to the bench. And there’s more where she came from.

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Trump has intentionally appointed these corrupt people to the justice system with the clear intention of them having his back as he willfully breaks the law. Cannon is part of his crime syndicate.

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We also have Chuck Schumer to thank, because he's the one who made a deal with McConnell to fast track Alt-Right judges so he could go on summer vacation!

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Seriously, what’s it going to take before the government can ask for another judge? Ugh.

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It appears to me that Jack Smith is not going to ask for it, he is going to set up Judge Cannon to be removed from higher ups, while he will stand as having cooperated with her all the way. INjustice Cannon is scum of the Earth. She should be impeached by the Senate.

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It’s becoming clear just who she is

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“Becoming” clear???

It’s *been* clear for months. You should not hesitate to say so.

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I think the reasoning is that if Smith can make a case that even a Trump-sucking seditionist like Cannon has to abide by? It'll not only prove that the case isn't Partisan to most people, but I'll also cripple her effectiveness as a Trump Right judge!

Admittedly, it's a tall order, but Jack Smith seems more than ready to do it.

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She doesn’t appear to be very smart..in life and in the law..She is begging to be removed..Actually..it would be a service to her jurisdiction if she were taken off the court permanently..

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My take-away is that Cannon is causing the whole trial about the video footage to end in such a way that the defendants (Trump/ Nauta/ De Oliveira) can successfully appeal a guilty verdict, based on inadequate counsel.

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By showing his counsel is irretrievably dumb? Judge Chutkan is showing this effortlessly and guess what, it isn't going to work, Judge Cannon.

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Thank you, Liz for exposing this craziness from a seemingly corrupt judgelet.

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One had to know that she would do her best to protect POTUS45.

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It's going to be interesting to watch Smith dance around her attempts. This guy argued cases in front of the world court — I would think a provincial Trump Nazi judge would be a breeze to outsmart.

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