I have to wonder what point the police serve in the community. Is it to safeguard property? Because it seems like that's all they care about If that's the case, citizens shouldn't have their tax dollars going towards a retail security detail. If they're not here to protect the community, especially children, what are they really for?

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Returning run away slaves, historically.

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Well the police should've been abolished in 1865. LOL

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In 2005, the Supreme Court ruled the police have no legal duty to protect citizens. (https://www.salon.com/2022/05/27/uvalde-timeline-exposes-an-ugly-truth-the-police-have-no-legal-duty-to-protect-you/).

From that Salon article: In 2011, "Joseph Lozito was on his way to work in New York City when he got attacked, right in front of two police officers, by a serial killer the cops were already on the lookout for. The killer, Maksim Gelman, had already murdered four people when he pulled out a knife on the train and just started stabbing Lozito at random. Lozito fought back, while the two police watched but did not intervene. Lozito, even though he had been stabbed in the head multiple times, managed to disarm Gelman. It was only then that the cops swooped in and arrested the killer. Lozito sued the police and lost, because, you guessed it, the cops had no 'special duty' to act".

This Twitter thread (https://twitter.com/Monstrous_Fest/status/1529836648925732865) is also good: "Police are never, and will never be, required to endanger themselves in any way for any reason. This has been litigated thoroughly. . . . . If a cop helps someone for any reason, it is entirely external to their identity as a cop. . . . This is, as a corollary, why cops hate civilians so much. If a cop is in danger it is because a civilian inconvenienced them."

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Why are our tax dollars funding them then? Like I said, businesses need to carry the tax burden for the protection. Cops don't give a shit about us. Especially black people.

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Cops always willing to lie and shade the truth. The Republican pols always ready to have their backs no matter how egregious their behavior is. Get rid of qualified immunity!

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Effing pigs about sums it up.

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