This election is about protecting white privilege and their wealth. Christian Nationalism is about the oppression of women. Project/Chattel 2025 is the 'how to' make it into law. The Christian Nationalists that sit on our highest court in the land, will make this happen.

When will the Civil War end in this country?? Apparently, not anytime soon, when half the population supports a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, diaper wearing, sold America to highest bidder, grifting malignant narcissist psychopath rapist. That's the problem with ignorant people. They're not aware of their ignorance. No excuses! It's a choice to be dumber than a bag of doorknobs. In addition, to just being a lazy, apathetic, hateful asshole. For fucks sake, I hope we're better than that come Tuesday.

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Trump’s desperate scramble to divert attention from his MSG Nazifest, and his cos play as garbage man, can’t disguise his “vision” of America as whites (and males) only: Everyone else is subhuman … unless they swear obeisance.

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My guess is that non-whites don't make it to fully human in his mind if they swear obeisance. Merely tolerated better than most of the 'dirty' people.

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Well said, Noah. The treatment of P.R. after Hurricane Maria was peak racism, peak callousness.

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In reference to Hurricane Maria and the resulting Puerto Rico power blackout, there should be mention of (then) Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke's attempt at grift aided by the Trump administration. Keywords: Zinke, Whitefish Energy

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"But he doesn’t just hate Puerto Ricans. He hates all of us."

Puerto Ricans aren’t alone — Trump insults everyone! Check TRUMP’s INSULT HANDBOOK.


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>>He feels he is entitled to praise and *abasement*<<

Is this what you meant to write?

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It’s: He feels he is entitled to praise, and abasement, …

It took me a few times to figure it out. Leaving out commas isn’t always good :)

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Got it. Thank you.

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I often feel Noah hurts his case by overstatement and I'd have written this piece a tad differerently. (Then again he's a successful professional writer and I"m not). But in this case I reckon his uncompromising last two sentences are the plain truth. I'm horrified that such a man as Trump has a realistic chance of a second term. For God's sake America save your country and perhaps the world by keeping this (expleteve deleted) out of the White House.

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We were in Puerto Rico in March 2020. Because we were stranded by the shutdowns called as we were flying in we suddenly had to change plans, find a place to stay and a way home. The people we met were so wonderful. They knew everyone from the mainland could be carrying covid but they still helped us. Then island was still (might still be) rebuilding from the hurricanes. They are Americans just like we are and need to be treated as such. Statehood would remove the restrictions they have to work with and is way past overdue. Their treatment by trump was disgusting.

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Fascism expert Prof. Ruth Ben-Ghiat has said that Trump can only escalate. That is in the fascism playbook. Nothing should be a surprise and nothing is too low. I read this morning that Trump simulated oral sex during his Michigan rally. According to The Bulwark he is trying to deflect from the Puerto Rican Garbage story from the Nazi Rally at the Garden, and get it out of the news cycle. Thanks to those who are keeping it alive like Jennifer Lopez rallying with Kamala in Los Vegas.

The Bulwark also said that Trump is trying to make it seem like he has it in the bag by going to Blue States to rally, to make it appear like a win to his supporters. My friend called a Latina women in Pennsylvania who said, she had already voted for Trump and wished she could take it back and vote for Kamala. I wonder how many other people are feeling this way. Perhaps Dems should be crying do over at the end of the election, and complain that people were deceived when they voted for Trump and that is not what they really wanted to do. A do over would require the issues being laid out there for both sides, and not on Fox, but some other forum, and then people voting. Of course, by now a lot of men are probably forbidding their wives from voting.

Trump can only get more extreme and sink more low. That is the way of the fascist campaign. I personally wish we could put all of these MAGA men on a large island, and then let them do their Lord of the Flies thing on each other. We can say, here you have your White, Christian, Cis-gendered, paradise, now enjoy it and leave the rest of us alone. The women that go with them should be allowed to leave but probably they won't be. They can really see what a paradise their menfolks are creating for them. I assume Hungarians will quickly tire of going there on vacation when they realize that everyone shoots each other at the drop of a hat. They are not used to such violence. Same with Russians. Given that it will be a White, Christian only place, North Koreans and Chinese will not be going there, nor will the Venezuelans, or the Iranians. I don't think the Ayatollah likes Trump because I have read in Spy News he has a 1 mil dollar hit out on him.

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