Mar 29Liked by Aaron Rupar, Stephen Robinson

Thank you for summarizing and articulating this so well. "Trump campaigning for dictator" is the best description of his efforts!

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Mar 29Liked by Stephen Robinson

Trump is asked serious specific questions, like on CNBC video here about Social Security cuts and his position, having tacked from one side to another. His responses always are vague; he using superlative language ('there's tremendous things, a lot of things you can do... bad management) to say NOTHING. And yet these anchors treat him seriously. He's a FAKE!!!

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Mar 29Liked by Aaron Rupar, Stephen Robinson

Succinct and spot on. I also think the only reason he is running is because it is the only way he keeps his money and liberty.

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Mar 29Liked by Stephen Robinson

It seems to me that Trump has had a bad few weeks and that's because he's getting more attention now he's got the Republican nomination sewed up. I'm wondering if he's going to prove a very bad campaigner this time round. Frankly if you want to see who's aged the most out of Biden and Trump in the last few years it seems to me that it's Trump by a mile. Perhaps it's been the stress of his legal problems that has made him angry but not given him a chance to put forward a positive agenda on anything. Whatever the case Biden looks a lot more up to the job than Trump.

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Mar 29Liked by Stephen Robinson

There is a clear choice in November. Voting for a third party or not voting helps Trump. Regardless of the bones one has to pick with Biden, it does not match up to the threat to this country that Trump poses. And he is telling us everyday blatantly of this. Trump is a nothing burger without support complacency: *the BIG SHRUG*

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Mar 29Liked by Stephen Robinson

So much fodder in this - thanks for the talking points.

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Mar 29Liked by Stephen Robinson

Great perspectives, Stephen!

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Mar 29·edited Mar 29Liked by Stephen Robinson

bUt BiDeN iZ OLD! aNd BO-rInG!

The MSM isn't even pretending not to be more interested in controversy—sorry, "engagement" rather than actual reporting any longer.

Speaking of which—whatever pills Joe Biden's on, are they covered by Medicare? And where I can get some...?

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The Biden campaign needs to hammer him daily with requests for debates.

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“Republicans who prefer the latter solution are either bad at math or generally sadistic.”

It’s the letter. They’re bad at math, too, (“Cutting taxes on the wealthy will increase tax revenue!”) but for Republicans cruelty is the point.

They’ve repeated shown their only two policies, in order of priority, are 1) enrich the rich and 2) hurt people. When they can do the former AND make life worse for everyone else? They be salivating!

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“Health care and abortion have both joined entitlement reform on what Kernan called the “third-rail” of US politics.”

Mindlessly accepted as true but in truth utter bullshit.

A literal “third rail” is something that kills you if you touch it. But embracing the abortion and entitlement reform issues is a good way to get elected. (Marylyn Lands did and won by 25 points https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4560351-marilyn-lands-alabama-special-election-abortion-ivf/amp/). They are NOT topics to avoid on the campaign trail.

They’re a third rail ONLY to those who want to get rid of them. They’re votes to those who don’t and point out, loudly and constantly, that their opponents do.

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“Biden has proposed raising the annual payroll tax cap — currently $168,600 — to ensure Social Security’s solvency.”

Just do away with it.

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