It would be a nice irony if the legal system, that Trump has abused so frequently, should be the system that brings him decisively down. I'm quietly hopeful that this will be the case.

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It's SO FUCKING EXHAUSTING seeing that mother fucker on the news All. The. Time. It's hard to bury your head in the sand and go LA LA LA I can't hear you when the noise gets into your ears anyway.

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As Maggie Haberman has noted, Trump has a limited number of plays that he has used for decades. He continues to use them regardless of the outcome. A famous one is claiming that he won when he actually lost.

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....and a limited vocabulary, tending towards superlatives which also don't work anymore.

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Thank you for this!

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If we were to take 100 people who are some of the most despicable people in the last 100 years including Hitler, Kim Jung Un, Putin, Trump, MTG, Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, H.H. Holmes (I am sure these are all heroes of Trump's), where would you place Trump in the lineup with 1 being the most despicable of all?

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