“The most cynical interpretation of the behavior of the Court’s conservatives is that they are not interested in giving presidents absolute immunity, but instead want to help Trump run out the clock.”

You say “cynical,” I say “realistic assessment of partisan hackery and blatant corruption.”

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Could it be that Cannon has been promised a Supreme Court seat if t. is elected? It either has to be that or one must surmise that she is totally incompetent and stupid--and that would signal that law schools these days are turning out unqualified and really dumb lawyers. Take your pick on options.

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It's Christofascism. Her reward is in heaven...

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Thanks for this piece.

Our system isn’t set up to handle someone like TFG as SCOTUS is corrupted. WE are the defense against TFG-vote blue in November!

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The GOP played the long game.

Let's hope we can still win.

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"it takes a village". It's not only Trump. He's got a lot of help. We have a battle and we all had better engage on election day which is what it comes down to... education of the voter. We cannot depend on the law. And mind you, the Constitution says plainly that Trump, an oath-breaking insurrectionist cannot hold office again.

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When I remember that Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, and Ted Cruz went to law school, I have to wonder that same thing: incompetent and stupid.

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My broad conclusion this week was that Biden’s record and all the structural advantages he enjoys are dragged down by the candidate himself. It pains me bc I think Biden is the best president of my lifetime. But no amount of money or even exposing Trump to the masses is going to change the fact that Americans don’t seem to like Biden as president. So, I am mentally already moving on to 2028. That doesn’t mean I am not going to work my ass off though.

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I understand and I agree that Biden has been excellent except for his weakness for Israel in the Gaza war.- I feel this disappointment but lately more so in the American people if the polls are correct.

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In Cannon's case, does the prosecution not have any kind of recourse? Is there no means to demand a review of her conduct and propriety from a higher court?

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It’s unbelievable that a person of supposed intelligence and intellect could turn to bald-faced mockery of the judicial system, one which she swore to protect. This type of behavior is why we must soundly defeat Donald Trump. It’s difficult to convince some folks who deafly and blindly support Trump. But then when you look at what Speaker Johnson said outside of the NY courtroom you just need to shake you head. And pray that good will win out.

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