Ni Hao! I stayed up until almost 6 am in Germany watching the convention in my home town of Chicago. It was so riveting. However, I fell asleep at one point and woke up to hear Oprah speaking. When I got up again later in the morning I had to watch the parts I fell asleep for after governor Shapiro's speech, and I am glad I did. It was wonderful. I am so glad I got to hear Tim Walz speak. He is turning into the role model that the young men of the USA need today as we hear about the Gen Zer males turning right. I love the theater of this convention. It makes it compelling, and we need that because we are not going up a golden elevator, but climbing up a rocky craggy mountain to get to the top. We can do it though, and let Donald Trump and the Supreme Court try to stop us, because we can trample them down too. It is a movement that is including Democrats, Independents and Republicans for decency and our Democracy. That includes my Chinese friends and neighbors who have become Americans and would also help whenever they can, just as I help them. I wish we could turn the tables on Comer and investigate him. It should be illegal to bring specious charges against people. When it is over, Walz ought to sue him for slander, and so should everyone else that they are slandering. Voting is My Black Job, and even in Germany I am helping Democrats Abroad to find and provide information to other Americans to sign up to vote from abroad. That is "My Black Job" too!

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Appreciate your perspective from abroad, Linda!

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I have a message for Comer, Fox News’ Watters and anyone else who dares to consider anything remotely nefarious ( which it absolutely is not) about Tim Walz’ Communist leanings: It’s time to carefully examine Trump’s love affair with Putin, Kim and China and Hungary ‘s dictators.

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I'm mostly enjoying the DNC. I've never really watched one. I believe the Dems have done a great job tightening up their messaging and tapping into strong messages. I like their push to define freedom, patriotism and empathy as the domain of all Americans. I feel more proud as a citizen, which is a good thing considering how the other party denigrates everything. It's embarrassing.

As Michelle Obama said during her speech, Kamala and Tim are thinking of what's best for everyone in the country. However, they are only human and will make mistakes. I feel that sums up just about all of us. We do our best but have to accept we are also fallable. The party feels very human. And I appreciate the amount of diversity amongst the delegates and speakers. It feels like a solid cross section of our country.

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I wud recommend Rachel Maddow’s pod series ‘Ultra’ whenever you’re tempted to marvel at their evil innovations. Every play in their book is a rehash of hitler, nazi propaganda, criminal mischief and plays on fears with plans to overthrow a vile government that allows a diverse population equal rights. These forces go much further back of course, fascists that drum up tribal grievances, and gin up faux populist movement, but you can see these recent folks just copied and pasted.

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The GOP acts like divorced spouses who bend over backwards undermining their ex at every turn because they're jealous of the kids' mixed loyalties.

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I don’t remember ever watching a DNC so intently! The passion, the pride, the vision - wow! But reading posts on X is frightening to see how others view the speakers I so admire! It’s obvious that we have a LOT to do before November to ensure a sane, inclusive future for all Americans!

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After the convention concludes it may feel like the end of the Olympic Games: A giant void with yearning for more! The Democrats need to make every day between now and November 5th seem like the finals match for an Olympic gold medal and build the movement to elect Harris and Walz for a fantastic and joyful victory for our Democracy and humanity.

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Re twitter comments - I hear you! I have conflicted feelings of how helpful it is to see/read what the "other side" is saying. In a broader context of media literacy, PN coverage of Fox feels helpful in understanding the messaging that millions of Americans are constantly subject to. But yeah... witnessing the current "discourse" on "new twitter" feels more like wading through sewage: suitable only for professionals.

Now seems like a good time to encourage creators (like PN!) to pick alternative media platforms rather than (through participation) implicitly supporting the cesspool of hate and abuse formerly known as twitter.

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Totally agree! I deleted my Twitter account the day Elmo took it over.

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Twitter is full of right wing blue checks who thrive on engagement, which they apparently get by being rude, crude, and disrepectful. They scare me a little, but then I block them and try to get back to the joy.

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Fwiw, my wife tells me that, while it doesn't have the "old twitter" feel, her experience with Boue Sky is that blocking trolls is easier and more effective due to some platform decisions.

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We must protect Gus Walz at all costs. (Really. He seems very pure, and the world is very cruel.)

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Trying to see through my tears from the link of Gus; thank you for the other links which I will get to now; I don’t have twitter ❤️‍🔥

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Dems are in total array. Republicans are in the theater of the absurd.

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Hi I’m a 74 yo staying up beyond my boomer bedtime to live in the moment of history. The most exciting DNC convention ever. The speakers are amazing and last night Coach Walz’s acceptance speech filled me with the hope that my son grandkids and great grandkids will be in better hands than what we all have had to put up with during the dark period of the trump years and after. Kindness and joy, love of country, and a sense of security are something I haven’t felt in a while. Great convention.

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I've watched a lot of DNC political conventions and some RNC conventions but this DNC convention is the best overall. I'm a 72 year old retiree who downloaded the playlist because it's so full of energy, good music and a wise blend of old and new. I usually have the convention on (don't have cable any more, but the DNC made it so easy to watch online without commentators) while I check my emails or Twitter, but I haven't been able to do that during the main speeches because they've been so good. I also agree with your statement about Comer, et al: "The usual suspects profess to be very disturbed." They are disturbed, mentally and morally disturbed. I also wanted to thank you for such an excellent Substack with you and your cadre of high quality writers, as well as your Twitter threads because I'm at the point with Trump that I got to with GW Bush - I can't stand to listen to them.

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The GOP are grasping at straws. Governor Walz is a decent human being, unlike the Tangerine Palpatine and Hillbilly Himmler. I am an unaffiliated voter who is proud to support Harris and Walz. Lotus for POTUS!

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Small typo: change 787 billion to 787 million regarding Bartiromo's comments

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Thanks. Fixed.

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I loathe the Right… foul people

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I started to read this post about the shit coming from these elected office holders trying to smear TW and couldn’t finish it. I couldn’t get past the sheer ludicrousness of what they were saying and then it hit me. These assholes, comer fudd, the dipshit from Missouri and the rest of them are SO desperate they’ll make up this bullshit and throw it against the campaign wall, hoping it will stick. This is SO pathetic it’s not worth reading about. If this wasn’t involving the future of our democracy I’d just laugh it off and move on.

I usually don’t swear my way through a reply… but I can’t help it this time!

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As always, you do a great job Aaron!

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