
Stephen Miller's legal group is another tangible example of how white supremacy and racial fear undergirded Republican politics in an age of multiculturalism and too many within the auspices of the party willfully ignored this reality or spent too much time sugarcoating it.

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For Miller and and his merry band of hateful goons, there is no effort spared to continue the racism on which the U.S. was founded.

Will the next suit brought by the AFL be to count African American votes as only 3/5’s of White christian votes?

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Shhhh! Dont give them any ideas

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People like Miller take us backwards. I am grateful for those who take us forward.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

Great piece. Thanks for it.

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Miller has forgotten where he came from. His forbears were Jews from Russian empire. He is a bigot to the core. It is a short step from his anti-immigrant, anti-black, anti-hispanic policies (really attacks) to Antisemitism. If trump prevails, they will come for Miller's bald head, too, as the Nazis did in WW II. I feel this personally since I am Jewish.

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Not only a bigot but self-loathing.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

Bullies are gonna bully, amirite?

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Wikipedia has a great write up on Miller too with good links. BTW, Miller is not an

attorney himself. He's an

"advisor". He's always made

me think of a snake in the


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I guess justice is truly blind. For “judges & justices” to use laws specifically passed to address racism in order to preserve it is beyond cynical.

This upside down legal analysis is especially odious given that these legal sophists who rely on “original intent and historical understanding” to reach their “judgments” in 2nd Amendment cases ignore both in their attempts to Make America All White and Christian Again. MAAWACA

These judgements simply continue the 404 year history of abuse heaped on any member of society who was not born a white christian straight male.

of a group not belonging to the white anglo-saxon protesants who first stole land from Native Americans.

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He's a little Goebbels, isn't he?

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Miller is a decendent of Jews and acts as if he's afraid to admit, for fear of being attacked for being related to Jews, so he plays being a super non Jew and is trying hard to prove it. What a snake, denying his relatives who probably have a heroic past as survivors of pogroms and anti semite actions. I collect articles on Miller. Thanks for this and all others you print.

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I couldn’t make it to the end. The idea of Miller having any more power or influence than he’s had is too much to think about for me today. And I’m eating lunch and want to get through it before I have to think of Miller again.

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“no such group exists for heterosexual white males.”

Like, every boardroom, every golf club, every C-suite? Poor Stephen, no one wants to hang out with him. If NASCAR wants to expand its audience to millions of people, who is the AFL to stop them? If heterosexual white males can't compete, they should step out of the way.

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