“It’s probably the most popular thing she’s done in her entire Senate term.” That is such a deliciously sick burn. And it is TRUE!

For someone who ran for Senate as a progressive, she’s been such a massive disappointment. Now we need to hold the Senate and finally finally yeet the 60 votes filibuster cudgel!

It’s astonishing that Manchin and Sinema seemingly never realized they were willing idiots doing exactly what Republicans wanted, allowing minority rule via a 40 vote veto to… everything. Yeeting the filibuster during McConnell’s final two years would be delicious. Oh please oh please.

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Sinema is closed and Manchinema is gone!

We need to keep the Senate! Vote the whole ballot in November!

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Alas, with Sinema out, we won’t be able to have the comic relief of her outrageous, narcissistic outfits!

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Lt Gov Mark Robinson's win demonstrates that talking to MAGA voters won't work. Those who voted for Robinson voted for hatred and no level of discussing facts would have changed this. It also shows that Republicans still support this hatred and, hopefully, he's defeated in November.

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I donated to Gallego yesterday. We also need to support Tester in Montana and Sherrod Brown in Ohio to keep the Senate. I so hope Allred can beat Cruz. And will support Katie Porter to keep her house seat, which people were afraid might go red if she had won the Senate primary. Indivisible has a list of 18 house seats that Dems could flip https://www.majorityovermaga.org/targets

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Oh, I guess Porter will no longer be in the House. Really too bad.

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"...he supports a (still incredibly brutal and violent) six-week abortion ban with exceptions for rape and incest."

It should be noted that Robinson's now wife had an abortion after she became pregnant by him before they were married.


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::And in Texas, Attorney General Ken Paxton targeted three Supreme Court judges who restrained his ability to prosecute elections; one has lost and two others were trailing as of late Tuesday night. That’s an ominous sign of the far right’s ascendancy in the state.::

Why can't we just execute Paxton, Abbott and all their enablers, and COW the entire state into a hard Left turn...?

That's what America needs—a Right Wing cowering in fear for at least a century.

Where my tank? I feel like instructing Dr. Stangelove Abbott on the difference between "Communism" and "Democratic Socialism"!

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