The "belief that life begins at conception" is patently false. Life begins long before that. In fact, the egg that eventually developed into you was alive and well in your mother's ovary months before she was born! Of course, conception was a crucial point in your long journey toward personhood. But I challenge anyone who claims to believe that a fertilized human egg is the moral equivalent of a baby to consider this: You are a mother of a newborn baby, and you are in the maternity ward. Your baby is in the newborn nursery down the corridor to the left. Down the corridor to the right is the IVF clinic where you have two frozen embryos. A fire breaks out and you have time to save your newborn baby or your two frozen embryos. Which will you choose? Now ask yourself this: How many frozen embryos would you have to save to justify abandoning your newborn baby, as the “moral” choice?

Many "believers" have been, and continue to be, bamboozled by their religious leaders about this moral question. But the simple act of considering the above ethical "dilemma" reveals the truth: When asked to act on their supposed "belief", no sane person actually believes that a fertilized human egg is the moral equivalent of a baby.


Justin StormoGipson, MD

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Since Dobbs, D’s and women of all stripes have stood up. Vote in November!

The choice is starkly clear: Biden or Dictatorship

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Although they claim to be Christians, these politicians and commentators want to control women and they don't want any tax dollars going to help anyone but those who are wealthy. Don't be surprised when they propose we go back to before the 1970s when women could not get a credit card in their own name, they couldn't borrow to own a car or a home on their own, and most married women were financially dependent on their husbands and/or fathers. This is misogyny.

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Republicans. Rob from the poor and give to the rich, (who need more money like I need another hole in my head.)

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There were connections you explained here that never occurred to me, which is one reason I love PN. #Roevember is coming.

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I love Justin SG’s ethical dilemma story! That’s a really good one to keep in your pocket while talking to people. Many people just have never thought of these questions of self determination/personal autonomy and carried them to their logical conclusion. Now thanks to the christofascists we all HAVE to talk about these things because women are dying.

Soon everyone will know someone hurt by these laws. If we pose these ethical questions to our families and friends, most will be led logically to the correct conclusion. 😬 If we can keep them listening.

Justin’s story is like a Logics class. Thank you DrSG

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