The most interesting part of this article to me was the point that the conservative authoritatarians don't seem to be for anything. They are just against things and in particular against certain sorts of people - the woke, the 'deep state' (whatever that is), enironmentalists, sexual minorities etc. The challenging thing for progressives is that we don't become the same - ie just 'anti-conservatives'. That's a constant temptation for people who follow things like this site and we should be wary of it.
Not sure that's true. Conservative authoritarians are for greater intrusion of religion in all spheres of life, reduced role for women in all matters, reduced freedom of speech...
Right, but those are all negatives: NO to secularism, NO to women's rights, NO to freedom of speech (and thought, and media . . .). I think what Michael W. is getting at is that the authoritarians generally aren't offering people much that would make their lives better, in either the short or the long term.
Michael and Susanna make important points here. Politics concerns the entire political collective. The point is that the right is not offering a vision of a polity that can obtain for, and serve, all, regardless of many differences. There is scarcely any orientation toward a livable future, never mind a concern to address huge challenges that are on the horizon, and which all of us will face.
P.S. Something I just read that rings true to me: "the advance of technology requires the emotional grounding of intensified religion." I'd apply this to intensified politics too, because they're often either closely entwined with religion or a substitute for it, or both. Authoritarians offer (apparent) stability to people who are disoriented by both technological and social changes, and who often see "elites" benefiting from those changes at their expense.
As always, thank you for the incredibly informative reporting. I love that you stated that "citizens must forge broad coalitions to advance on these and other fronts" to eliminate these far-right threats to democracies. That is precisely what is happening globally, with voters rejecting the dangers of populism. Some might disagree with me, but President Biden's impassioned speeches last year telling Americans our Republic is teetering and others abroad may face similar possibilities has encouraged voters to reject fascism. Like we saw here at home in the November midterm elections. Though, the threat is far from over.
During my time as a staffer on Adam Frisch's campaign, where we lost to Boebert by 546 votes, I spoke directly to Republican voters concerned by the GOP's radical stance on the separation of state and church, calling the direction the party is taking the country theocratic.
Does anyone think religious leaders should play a prominent role in coming forward to "forge broad coalitions" against extremism? (I know this topic can go either way.) Such as educating their congregations on politics. Not too long ago, I had an interesting brief conversation with a Catholic Church Parish Staff member back in Long Island, NY, that I grew up going to, expressing my concerns. Let's say I walked away with much more hope.
Jean: thank you for taking the time to leave this comment. I would just revise one thing: far-right threats to democracy cannot be eliminated, but their power can be mitigated. A great many echo chambers of the far-right tend to dominate political discourse in the U.S., and too much media bandwidth is ceded to them. This tends not to be the case in many European countries.
Having come of political age during the Vietnam War, I saw how crucial religious leaders (and non-leaders too) were in the antiwar movement and the civil rights movement. Go back in U.S. history and you'll see that this wasn't an aberration: religious leaders and church-goers were crucial in the abolitionist movement too. Where I live (in MA), several churches and the synagogue are leaders in the fight for social and economic justice. So yes, I (a secular more-or-less pagan) think religious leaders have an important role to play. Some non-religious people seem to believe that there's nothing more to religion than white evangelicals or the very patriarchal hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, but they're wrong.
How about this.....the DOJ does it job and arrest the insurrectionist hierarchy? Let a jury decide their fate. Spare the political posturing here. For God’s sake are we a nation of laws or not?
I've seen online people say that all federal employees are deep state. Until I retired, I was a worker bee civilian employee on a military base supporting depot repair of Air Force fighter jets. Just another cog in the military complex... the same military complex that the Republicans loved until recently.
It's hard to keep up with who the Right hates and vilifies on a day-to-day basis.
Brazil arrested 1500 insurrectionists and one of the coup plotters within 42 hours. Yet our DOJ has spent two years doing f*** all. Garland is worse than worthless, he is actively protecting the insurrection. Even the people that have been convicted are 99% getting off with a slap on the wrist. It's infuriating.
Dear Dennis: we thank you for pointing this out, and you're correct. There is a certain 'flaunting of the flouting rule-of-law orders,' and I think that's how we got mixed up. We appreciate your careful editorial attention to our article.
The most interesting part of this article to me was the point that the conservative authoritatarians don't seem to be for anything. They are just against things and in particular against certain sorts of people - the woke, the 'deep state' (whatever that is), enironmentalists, sexual minorities etc. The challenging thing for progressives is that we don't become the same - ie just 'anti-conservatives'. That's a constant temptation for people who follow things like this site and we should be wary of it.
Not sure that's true. Conservative authoritarians are for greater intrusion of religion in all spheres of life, reduced role for women in all matters, reduced freedom of speech...
Right, but those are all negatives: NO to secularism, NO to women's rights, NO to freedom of speech (and thought, and media . . .). I think what Michael W. is getting at is that the authoritarians generally aren't offering people much that would make their lives better, in either the short or the long term.
Michael and Susanna make important points here. Politics concerns the entire political collective. The point is that the right is not offering a vision of a polity that can obtain for, and serve, all, regardless of many differences. There is scarcely any orientation toward a livable future, never mind a concern to address huge challenges that are on the horizon, and which all of us will face.
P.S. Something I just read that rings true to me: "the advance of technology requires the emotional grounding of intensified religion." I'd apply this to intensified politics too, because they're often either closely entwined with religion or a substitute for it, or both. Authoritarians offer (apparent) stability to people who are disoriented by both technological and social changes, and who often see "elites" benefiting from those changes at their expense.
As always, thank you for the incredibly informative reporting. I love that you stated that "citizens must forge broad coalitions to advance on these and other fronts" to eliminate these far-right threats to democracies. That is precisely what is happening globally, with voters rejecting the dangers of populism. Some might disagree with me, but President Biden's impassioned speeches last year telling Americans our Republic is teetering and others abroad may face similar possibilities has encouraged voters to reject fascism. Like we saw here at home in the November midterm elections. Though, the threat is far from over.
During my time as a staffer on Adam Frisch's campaign, where we lost to Boebert by 546 votes, I spoke directly to Republican voters concerned by the GOP's radical stance on the separation of state and church, calling the direction the party is taking the country theocratic.
Does anyone think religious leaders should play a prominent role in coming forward to "forge broad coalitions" against extremism? (I know this topic can go either way.) Such as educating their congregations on politics. Not too long ago, I had an interesting brief conversation with a Catholic Church Parish Staff member back in Long Island, NY, that I grew up going to, expressing my concerns. Let's say I walked away with much more hope.
Jean: thank you for taking the time to leave this comment. I would just revise one thing: far-right threats to democracy cannot be eliminated, but their power can be mitigated. A great many echo chambers of the far-right tend to dominate political discourse in the U.S., and too much media bandwidth is ceded to them. This tends not to be the case in many European countries.
Having come of political age during the Vietnam War, I saw how crucial religious leaders (and non-leaders too) were in the antiwar movement and the civil rights movement. Go back in U.S. history and you'll see that this wasn't an aberration: religious leaders and church-goers were crucial in the abolitionist movement too. Where I live (in MA), several churches and the synagogue are leaders in the fight for social and economic justice. So yes, I (a secular more-or-less pagan) think religious leaders have an important role to play. Some non-religious people seem to believe that there's nothing more to religion than white evangelicals or the very patriarchal hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, but they're wrong.
Yes but it's a small percentage. Most of the religious entities are firmly in the do as I say not as I do camp.
Sources, please.
Excellent essay. Thank you.
How about this.....the DOJ does it job and arrest the insurrectionist hierarchy? Let a jury decide their fate. Spare the political posturing here. For God’s sake are we a nation of laws or not?
Some 74 million people voted for Trump but were nowhere near the Capitol on 1/6/21. How are you doing to deal with them?
I've seen online people say that all federal employees are deep state. Until I retired, I was a worker bee civilian employee on a military base supporting depot repair of Air Force fighter jets. Just another cog in the military complex... the same military complex that the Republicans loved until recently.
It's hard to keep up with who the Right hates and vilifies on a day-to-day basis.
Brazil arrested 1500 insurrectionists and one of the coup plotters within 42 hours. Yet our DOJ has spent two years doing f*** all. Garland is worse than worthless, he is actively protecting the insurrection. Even the people that have been convicted are 99% getting off with a slap on the wrist. It's infuriating.
In the first paragraph below the Patriot Takes tweet, *flaunted" should be"flouted." Just an observation from an old editor.
Dear Dennis: we thank you for pointing this out, and you're correct. There is a certain 'flaunting of the flouting rule-of-law orders,' and I think that's how we got mixed up. We appreciate your careful editorial attention to our article.