Aug 15, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

I think the story of Scott Perry's phone being taken at or around the same time as this search warrant was executed might be significant. I am curious to see if there is a connection there. Could there be something on his phone that helps prove a case against Trump and the Mar-A-Largo documents?

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

I’m wondering why Trump’s passport being “seized” isn’t the biggest story this year?

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It might have been, but DOJ put out a statement saying that no, they didn't confiscate any of Trump's passports. He was >gasp< lying.

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I'm not surprised that the GOP continues to defend Trump, up to and including Rand Paul speechifying that the Espionage Act should be repealed (!), but I am surprised that they have no qualms about putting targets on the backs of DOJ and FBI employees, as well as the judge who signed the warrant. They complain when they themselves are the targets of threats, but as long as it's someone they hate being threatened, it's all good.

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