We know that Grassley now says he was never himself involved in any conversations about presiding over the January 6 joint session of Congress. We know that someone from his office or associated with his office had to have been, however, and thereafter communicated the substance of such conversations to Grassley so that Grassley could make his Insurrection Eve declaration that he would preside over the joint session.

This should place a considerable federal investigative focus on who inside Grassley’s office was in contact with those who had spent late December 2020 plotting ways for Trump to stay in office. But given that Grassley also insists that no one who was a part of his office at the time was involved in the plot, investigators might wish to start with those associated with but not formally part of the office of Senator Grassley in the days immediately preceding January 5—a list that would have at its head Barbara Ledeen, she of a longstanding, dodgy, elections-related association with Michael Flynn.

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Please start doing a deep dive on Nikki Haley’s christofascism wrapped in a cozy soccer mom sweater….. Jennifer Rubin has an article today calling her “normal”, sorry is saying you “want to be pastor hagee when u grow up” “normal”? Maybe for the GOP now a days but not the broader cross section of America. Now that Koch is backing her and Trumps indictments are closing in, she might get some juice

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I haven't read Rubin's article yet but saw the headline; I'll be very disappointed if she is an unabashed Haley supporter.

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"Immediately after he defied Trump, of course, [Pence] was targeted for assault and possibly worse than assault by Trump’s mob of angry supporters."

Fear of Trump's base, either through stochastic terrorism or their voting in primaries, motivates current GOP action and inaction.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought laws have been passed that ensures that the Vice President only has a ceremonial role in the accepting/counting of electoral college votes so that we don't have to depend on a Vice Presidents fallible backbone again.

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Who is Mike Pence's "son"? according to any sources I saw online he has two daughters. Not for nothing but we should call out his "son" and congratulate him for having the backbone and courage his "father" lacks.

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I, too, have seen sources that name his two daughters. Who would hide a son that's a Marine? This sounds a little Matt Gaetz/Mike Johnson-ish with their "adopted sons".

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It’s his son-in-law who is married to one of his daughters.

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I just dug around and found this. Weird that so many descriptions of the elder Pence's family leave the younger Michael Pence out.


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It’s weird that Wikipedia only lists the daughters in his bio summary, but if you read his Personal Life section it names all 3 of his children.

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While Trump calls his people MAGAs I am thinking they are ARAs. Americans Ruining America. I could also call them ADAs, Americans Destroying America.

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"Pence PRESUMABLY TOOK the vice presidency because he thought it would be a good step toward becoming president."

Mind your quantifier scope, please


"Pence took the vice presidency PRESUMABLY BECAUSE he thought it would be a good step toward becoming president."


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Here's another analysis by a meta-journalist of Grassley's involvement. I believe Grassley was clueless about the maneuverings going on around him. https://sethabramson.substack.com/p/the-chuck-grassley-plot-thickens?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=262336&post_id=139256826&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=r0y0&utm_medium=email

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