Elon was raised in and benefitted from Apartheid. That is what formed him. He clearly has not transcended his upbringing but bowed to it and the White Supremacist world view that he seems to hold. That is what he has to offer Twitter: A racist, sexist, anti LGBTQ+ perspective, and hate for US government and nation. What has bothered me from the beginning about Twitter is that I have been noticing that children have shorter and shorter attention spans, and I have been teaching with adults who teach reading but don't read books themselves. It caters to a short attention span. Actually prior to 2002 my third and fourth grade students had great vocabularies and did not spend that much time on technology. They read books. They played outside. Then, after that I started noticing each year that my best readers were more like my medium readers had been, and there was just one child who would know the meanings of words. These would be the very linguistically gifted children. In 2005 I noticed this change because there were standard books I would read to my students, and in 2002 with challenging words I could still ask what does this mean and at least 3 or 4 hands would go up with at least one child having an accurate definition of the word, but slowly after that there was a change. From 2005-2008 I was not teaching. When I returned I noticed that none of my students ever knew the difficult or even more common words. They never knew any of the words that I asked them about. Every couple of years I might have one student who did. Then, Twitter appeared in 2006. I assume the creators realized that people were not reading as much and wanted to cater to that unwillingness to take time to read. People could say everything in a sound bite with Twitter. It lends itself to short sayings, which I think leads to more snarkiness. Nice for everyone with ADHD, but not for people who want to consume more deeply thought out information. My daughter assures me that one can write a longer thread and link it, but that is not what Twitter was created for. It was created for sound bites, which is a problem for our brains. It does not support brain growth. https://blog.scribd.com/unexpected-brain-benefits-of-reading/?utm_source=Email&utm_campaign=20221221_MKT_BAT_ALL_DecBlogNewsletter

I was surprised at how many people have jumped on the medium. Not the celebrities and Trump and Musk types who are jumping from one thought to the next lickety split, but deeper thinkers who publish longer pieces elsewhere. I also deplore the idea of likes and don't likes because it is a part of American behaviorist education that is just so demeaning. That simplistic way of controlling children is now a part of American and by extent worldwide corporate tech culture is bothersome. It is unhealthy for children and by extension probably unhealthy for adults. We should not be so simply manipulated. Call me old fashioned, but I was part of a working group that was looking at technology's effects on people's thought, and a lot of our younger colleagues just dropped out because they could not manage to read the books, since they are too busy consuming non-print medium. Twitter caters to not reading much. Tech seems to have added a lot of recruits to the right wing militia in this country during covid lockdowns where lots of lonely kids latched onto the dark side of the internet, which would be a normal thing for kids to do. Under Musk, Twitter is going to the dark side and at some point people have to decide whether they want to be with the dark side or leave it.

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Thank you for your perspective, Linda! Interesting to hear your anecdotes from the classroom.

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When I returned to teaching after a 3 year hiatus I found that the children were much more anxious and much less well read. Many were grateful to the Harry Potter series for increasing children's attention to longer books and more text. I though that books which Harry Potter seems to have borrowed from like Eleanor Estes' The Witch Family, and Roald Dahl's The Witches were much better written and I never got into them. I read 2.5 of the series. Now, with graphic novels being so in, children are reading less and less and with parents giving them cell phones younger and younger their brains are not able to handle sustained attention on anything as mundane as a book. However, you see that books are considered aids to longevity in that they are good stress relievers. Perhaps we will find this is true of tech, but somehow I doubt it. https://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/reading-stress-relief

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It's kind of amazing how ignorant people have become when the internet is right at their fingertips, filled with nearly unlimited information. There's a lack of intellectual curiosity now.

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What you are saying is true. Some thoughts: I notice in myself that my attention span has suffered and I come from a book reading culture, long years of it. There is too much distraction and too much to legitimately keep up with. I try to be aware of where my mind is spending time and judge the worthiness of it. And then I fall for the distraction. A book has to really grab ahold of one in this atmosphere.There needs to be a clear benefit of reading demonstrated to children and adolescents and even adults.

I think a lot has to do with parenting, the culture at home, and then the teachers who may or may not inspire the kids. Kids are somewhat blank slates that can be guided. I think parents must not be reading either, and too, spending less time influencing their kids to do so. Connected to what you say is what seems the movement away from the liberal arts towards STEM subjects (Science Technology Engineering and Math?) in the schools.

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Back in the old days a few months ago BE (before Elon), you'd get a notification that twitter didn't like something you had tweeted, your account was frozen until you deleted the offending tweet and the second you did, you had your account back.

So, a couple of things. Either the warning and suspension system had coincidentally broken when Ms Lopez tweeted or Mush had a direct hand in banning her and it took him a few days to figure out how to cover his ass when people complained. Twitter is broken but my money's on Mush being a vindictive asshole.

This is like the high school bully being in charge of the school newspaper.

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Off topic - please tweet some holiday pics/videos of little Mia and the new tiny guy. They always make me smile!

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I’m posting family stuff on Instagram now. Follow me there instagram.com/Aaron.rupar

Twitter unfortunately became toxic to the point where it seemed smart to compartmentalize. But if you enjoy Mia and Owen you’ll like my page on Insta. Thanks

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Your kids look adorable

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Good to see your home crew.. the one that makes you get up in the morning and look at the world with some hope! I hope your dad is doing well.

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I understand that - I also keep family news on FB limited to friends audience and don't post it on Twitter. Thanks for the link Aaron and Happy Holidays to you and your family, BH

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Instagram is my happy place, thanks for the link.

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Musk is suffering from extreme wealth disease as exhibited with his ragging narcissism and rampaging destruction of twitter and probably tesla. The US needs a 90% wealth tax vaccine to save these poor ultra rich souls.

what is a Post account?

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Post.News! Here's my page there, to give you an idea: https://post.news/atrupar

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thanks! I've joined the waitlist.

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I got suspended permanently for tweeting "Democrats should hang orangehead around the neck of the GOP" and I have not been reinstated. I've appealed and finally received the boilerplate you violated the terms. It's possible it was suspended because of a coordinated right wing complaint attack, but I only had about 5000 followers so who knows. So twitter is not reinstating any accounts like mine I guess.

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Sorry to hear this!

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wow! not good...

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Great interview and conversation. I am feeling much more comfortable here on sub stack with my choice in journalism consumption. I continue to death watch as @twitter exists in palliative care however I am looking away. It’s not the same place I grew up in so I will move on. In the meantime, I will be seeking my subscription options ... the world is my oyster.

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I’ve been on Post several weeks. Deactivated Twitter at that time. It seems really terrible there now. Musk seems to be having a meltdown, to put it mildly.

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He’s not “kind of” anything, he’s actively doing all of it. But I understand and the qualifiers are likely wise in this current environment.

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And by the way I searched Twitter for a rule on following and unfollowing and didn’t find such a rule

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I didn’t want to believe that Moscow Musk was a republican troll either, but I do now! And his army of trolls got me suspended from Twitter for a short time and then once back I decided to delete some garbage following me and I got suspended again for breaking the rules of following and unfollowing 🤷‍♂️ Merry Christmas 🎄

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Someone please correct me if I’m wrong. I thought Saudi money was a big part of twitters purchase.

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Well I now know more about Elon than I did before and even allowing for bias he seems a thoroughly toxic individual. The world would be a better place if he could just revert to asocial hedonism rather than have him infect the world of business, politics and geo

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