One thing I have noticed is that CNN is sending some of their top anchors to Ukraine. Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, Jim Sciutto, & now John Berman have all been on the ground in Ukraine. How come Fox News isn't sending Laura, Tucker and Sean? Seems like Fox would rather they report disinformation rather than being in the throes of this war.

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Erin Burnett was there too.

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Anyone who doesn't think Donald "Crazy Uncle Windmill Rant" Trump isn't in cognitive decline isn't paying attention. Or doesn't want to pay attention.

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Dear Senator Durbin: how about instead of “inaccurate and unfair” say “pernicious sexist racist lies”? Quit protecting your antebellum racist sexist colleagues! They hate you and especially the Democratic voters who you ostensibly represent. Tip and Ron are not going to have a beer and solve all our problems. You guys are blowing it so bad, if the entire world wouldn’t suffer so greatly I would wish you would lose the midterms just because what you are doing is perpetuating evil.

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I do NOT wish to see this country with a GOP majority in either house of Congress, thank you so much. Yes, our elected Dems are not doing us any favors, but we have to keep working to maintain the majority so that we CAN get those who WILL work for us. Anything else is just downright scary. O.o

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