As a Christian, I find her posts and comments offensive. This is just all so inappropriate. She needs to accept her responsibility fully and not blame the system, deep state, whatever. She needs to take ownership, apologize to all and stop attacking others for not believing the way she does. It appears that her lack of financial resources drove this decision, not any remorse.
::She even once made the bizarre claim that "Hillary Clinton still has not conceded the 2016 election."::
Here's the difference between staying within your First Amendment Rights and engaging in a criminal conspiracy: Hillary may carry on like she never conceded, and blame everybody but herself for her loss (as late as 2020 she was STILL calling Bernie Sanders a "Russian asset" in the media!), but she conceded just the same after exhausting all LEGAL avenues to find out if she really lost in the Electoral College or not. She didn't concoct bizarre "legal theories" to prove she really won by a lot (which, if you go by the popular vote, she did), let alone attempt to push them off as acceptable law, or pick slates of fake Electors and try to pass them off as "legitimate". (Hell, we can't even get her to agree that the Electoral College is a threat to free and open elections, and we need a Constitutional Amendment to get rid of it!)
Oh, and another thing she never did? Was whip up her supporters in a frenzy to attack the Capitol, and attempt to illegally disrupt the orderly transition of power. There were protests on the day of Trump's Inauguration, and a few of the protesters smashed windows and resisted arrest, but the vast majority of protests were peaceful and limited themselves to waving signs and chanting slogans—which is completely legal under the same First Amendment Donald Trump exceeds and abuses on an hourly basis! In the end none of the arrested defendants, even the ones who engaged in property destruction and fighting with cops, were charged...much to NBC's disgruntlement.
I feel like this confused, phony Christian, lying young woman has many many underlying problems. As an adult, there is no excuse for her behavior whatsoever. But I cannot imagine how she came to this if she was raised to be a responsible, genuine, truthful person. There must be huge dysfunction in her background somewhere, she is one messed up young woman. And the quoting scriptures? Oh, please stop using the Bible has some sort of weapon to hammer your “enemies” over the head.
It's perhaps not surprising that in all her religious zeal, Ellis never cites that bit in the bible about not bearing false witness.
She denies she ever lied. Ugh.
She needs to be disbarred.
^^^^What she said.
As a Christian, I find her posts and comments offensive. This is just all so inappropriate. She needs to accept her responsibility fully and not blame the system, deep state, whatever. She needs to take ownership, apologize to all and stop attacking others for not believing the way she does. It appears that her lack of financial resources drove this decision, not any remorse.
God, but I hate the self-righteous hypocrisy of “I’m saved so I can do whatever I want” Christians.
And it was Ken Buck who fired her from the ADA job. I had to laugh at that one.
What a razor-sharp piece, Liz!
I ❤️ it!
Wow, the stupid just oozes out of her. 🤦🏼♀️
Do courts ever reconsider after someone so obviously reveals they lied to the court?
Good gods when are we going to be rid of these Trumpcult liars?
Is it just me, or does it seem like state bar tests need to "raise the bar" on passing "the Bar"?
::She even once made the bizarre claim that "Hillary Clinton still has not conceded the 2016 election."::
Here's the difference between staying within your First Amendment Rights and engaging in a criminal conspiracy: Hillary may carry on like she never conceded, and blame everybody but herself for her loss (as late as 2020 she was STILL calling Bernie Sanders a "Russian asset" in the media!), but she conceded just the same after exhausting all LEGAL avenues to find out if she really lost in the Electoral College or not. She didn't concoct bizarre "legal theories" to prove she really won by a lot (which, if you go by the popular vote, she did), let alone attempt to push them off as acceptable law, or pick slates of fake Electors and try to pass them off as "legitimate". (Hell, we can't even get her to agree that the Electoral College is a threat to free and open elections, and we need a Constitutional Amendment to get rid of it!)
Oh, and another thing she never did? Was whip up her supporters in a frenzy to attack the Capitol, and attempt to illegally disrupt the orderly transition of power. There were protests on the day of Trump's Inauguration, and a few of the protesters smashed windows and resisted arrest, but the vast majority of protests were peaceful and limited themselves to waving signs and chanting slogans—which is completely legal under the same First Amendment Donald Trump exceeds and abuses on an hourly basis! In the end none of the arrested defendants, even the ones who engaged in property destruction and fighting with cops, were charged...much to NBC's disgruntlement.
I'd love to have been at the meeting when the numbers of fraudulent votes were decided upon.
"Well, we gotta choose a lot of kids because they would have voted for Biden, and kids these days amirite?"
"Do you think it's OK that we have a 4 in 66,248 AND in 1,043? Maybe it looks less hinky if we repeat a number...."
Well she is certainly well fed.
Indeed: What "a long, strange trip it's been."
I learned a lot about her in reading this column that I didn't know before.
I feel like this confused, phony Christian, lying young woman has many many underlying problems. As an adult, there is no excuse for her behavior whatsoever. But I cannot imagine how she came to this if she was raised to be a responsible, genuine, truthful person. There must be huge dysfunction in her background somewhere, she is one messed up young woman. And the quoting scriptures? Oh, please stop using the Bible has some sort of weapon to hammer your “enemies” over the head.