When the history of the US conservative movement is written, its conduct towards trans people will go down as one of the most shameful and ignorant parts of it. This ignorance isn’t morally neutral because there’s no excuse for being ignorant of the existence of trans people in the 2020s - or the 1980s for that matter.

As far as I can see they don’t want to eliminate trans people – they simply refuse to believe they exist. This would be fine (if dishonourable) if they just wallowed in willful ignorance and left trans people – including kids, parents and doctors alone. My guess is they’ve realized left wing people are sympathetic to trans people so have decided that the only honourable and correct thing to do is to campaign against them.

I’m an Australian and don’t know any American conservatives. But while I firmly believe it’s possible to be an honourable conservative, I’ve got to say that I find very few of the public representatives of the US conservatives to be honourable. At the moment I can't think of one. Sadly the more moderate Nikki Haley isn’t one of them. I’d hoped she was better than that.

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The current right-wing crusade against transsexuals is not necessarily a build-up to another Holocaust, but it shares with many instances of pre-genocidal propaganda the tendency to deny that a socially or ethnically marginalized group is fully human. The Nazis denied humanity to Jews, slaveowners denied humanity to their human property, Hutu agitators in Rwanda denied the humanity of their Tutsi neighbors. The claim that any subset of humanity doesn't constitute a "real ontological category" is simply a transparent attempt to cloak the same old hatred of the "outsider" in Newspeak.

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The parallels to Nazi treatment of Jews in the early part of their reign are obvious. Just watch The U.S. and the Holocaust. It's striking how similar. Dehumanization, gradual banning from public spaces, increasing limits on their ability to participate in society as a Jew/trans person. It's been clear since the Trump administration that they want to eliminate trans people from our society. It's utterly sickening. I had to say the Pledge of Allegiance at a graduation ceremony today and it struck me that Republicans can't say that pledge with sincerity now. They don't believe in liberty and justice for all. Only for people like them. Actually they want to be above the law, but that's another issue.

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"First they came for..." History is ALWAYS in our rear view mirror and if we're not very

careful, we're doomed to repeat it.

They always come for the marginalized first and move

up. Anything and anybody that is different than their

preconceived ideals of perfectionism, no matter

race, color of skin, beliefs,

physical and mental soundness, or age, is fair


Mein Kampf, Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. HISTORY.

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Noah, I happen to agree with your Nazi analogy, and feel that it does have many parallels. First of all, I want to say that after reading Prof. Kathleen Belew's book Bring the War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America, is very helpful to understand the big picture of the agenda. I know she details how the plan of the White Supremacist groups globally, made in the 1980s, early 1990s was to tone down racist rhetoric and join mainstream politics using words like anti-immigration as a code for their true racist genocidal goals. We see a lot of success using anti-immigrant (code for racist) language is being really effective in Europe, and not just in Hungary and Serbia. To create an all White World, they want to first take over governments, then exterminate. They want to eliminate all people who do not fit with their agenda. Cis-gender, White "Christian" males with elements of Norse Gods in their worship who embrace violence are supposed to rule the earth. Their bible is The Turner Diaries https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2004/turner-diaries-other-racist-novels-inspire-extremist-violence

Plans to get rid of Muslims were made palatable with little protest from mainstream Americans after September 11, 2001 .Americans have not said much as Muslims have been incarcerated, killed, and vilified. Then women lost their rights to reproductive choice and there is discussion of making birth control illegal too. Part of the breeding agenda makes vilifying people who identify as LGBTQIA+ with a particular focus on trans people another piece of this puzzle. This is what German Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemöller famously talks about how each group that is come for can no longer protest, but members of other groups let this happen, until it is their group that is taken. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_...

This is the situation we find ourselves in. Let's hope that the Americans are alert to what is going on and will fight for a different outcome than the Germans because we certainly could rename the Republican Party, The American Nazi Party if we look at their goals to get rid of everyone who is not a White Cis-gender male, or a White female willing to be a breeder, and provide sexual congress with men on demand, and hold down the home front while the men conquer and rule. I think groups like the now infamous IBLP group exposed in Shiny Happy People epitomize this as a goal. They tell the women that they need to breed as many Christians as possible to overtake the world, when if you look at the stats, Christian is the dominant global religion. So, is there a threat there? No! This is really about White religious groups breeding as many "White" people if one can even believe in that peculiarly American concept to take over the Earth. Apparently they are unaware of other continents, with Africa having over 1.4 billion people, and Asia having over 4.5 billion people, contrast that with Europe, a continent of declining birth rates having about 750 million, so under a billion. North America has about 580 million, many of which are non-White. So, that is a big breeding plan for comparison, and even though we are destroying lives of the global south with our excessive consumption, the idea of the world as predominantly White is a far, far off into the future. In the meantime, people who are not thinking about themselves just purely in terms of breeding, are the enemy. That makes LGBTQ+ and trans people suspicious, because it is believed that if you are a trans woman or male you cannot make babies, which in the world view of the Right wing makes one useless. Trans and not white is a double whammy, and it goes on from there. So I agree they want to exterminate everyone who is not White, Christian (as they define it, in ignorance of Christ), and willing to breed to make the numbers grow.

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The Haleys of this country, and there are many need to be removed from the equation, get them out permanently..

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