Aug 9, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

What I see is a lot of fear. Of course, the cult cannot factor in the obvious - that Trump is not the president and that he obviously has been holding onto documents he has no right to keep - and that the FBI has reason to believe he's stashed them at Mar A Lago. Instead, it's a "raid." The cult feels personally violated. Trump is obviously in trouble, because even the FBI cannot request a warrant without probable cause. He's a life-long criminal anyway, so being outraged here is a little bit silly.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

It’s a classic sociopath characteristic. Never say sorry, never admit you’re wrong and above all protect the lie. The fringe of society is so brainwashed they think he actually is being persecuted. I’d often wondered how Hitler was able to gain control and his countrymen went along for the ride, now I know. It’s sad.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

It's not sad, it's dangerous because we really are seeing cult behavior, which is why Trump has never been prosecuted for crimes he's committed throughout his lifetime. He has always maintained a circle of acolytes who protect him, hiding evidence and lying on his behalf. Finally, we see something happening, and we presume it's about documents, but no one has actually seen the warrant so we don't know. And we also see Republican vows to retaliate, and they're blaming Biden and the nebulous "them" for daring to serve due process on their beloved Dear Leader. The Republicans are dangerous - don't underestimate them. Look what they've done since 2016 when they crushed Hillary Clinton.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

Good article in the NYTimes about one type criminality that would possibly prevent Trump from holding office. A life long criminal such as Trump can and did apparently get elected to office. We are aiming to disqualify Trump and that may be very difficult. It's trying to get Trump, like Al Capone was on tax evasion. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/08/08/us/trump-fbi-raid/donald-trump-president-criminal-law?smid=url-share

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I saw it. Its not the first time I've seen that angle. With the level of corruption TFG has been involved with throughout his life; I look for multiple charges when they actually do charge him. It will certainly be riveting to see exactly how many charges get thrown at him from various angles from different venues. The corruption will end and we will not let history repeat itself.

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I don't subscribe. I think the NYT is one of the worst papers in the US other than the Washington Post.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

I confess I am a life long NYTimes reader. I am not young. The paper has changed and has at times in recent years been disappointing to exasperating. But at the same time much of the reporting has been excellent. The features have been great , long articles, investigative articles The photography was always good but, particularly the war photography has been exceptional. So I have continued on with the Times, and added the Washington Post to my reading as well- with the same criticisms and compliments. Both papers have excellent columnists along with those that are "not my cup of tea". I chalk it all up to papers trying to compete in a very different world than they had before the internet. I feel they should be supported as well as criticized. Speaking of criticism, readers comments are much the the reason I keep on. The NYTimes comments, which is moderated, has excellent comments, many in opposition, many very informed critics. The papers taking on board comments, are more democratic. This is not a whole diet. Independents like Aaron on this venue are great. There are a lot of new smart venues.

What do you read?

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

My fervent wish/hope is that someone or several someones take TFG to court, win, & he (as well as the family) spend lots of time in prison! Thanks, Aaron for this and for all you do to keep us informed.

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you're welcome!

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

So let me get this straight. There have been all kinds of stories about the Trump family and admin -- most recently, Peter Navarro -- using personal e-mail addresses for government business, and that fucktard traitor Jesse Watters was on TV yelling about "Hilary's server"?

What I wouldn't do to see Jesse Watters on the street.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

It is always a witch hunt, no matter how much evidence there is or how many people go to prison.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

I cease to be amazed that people like McCarthy and the rest of the Minions can’t wait to come to HIS defense but HE would turn on them in a heartbeat ( if they showed any personal moral fiber and would, god forbid, criticize HIM) as he has done to so many of his former “great” guy/women people he “hardly knew”.

Greene, Bobert, Gaetz, and so on are yes-clowns who are the go to sound bites on all that is insignificant and yet here they are…

Keep it up Aaron, November elections are less than 2 months away

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

I’m waiting for Trump to say he hardly knows Mar-a-Lago.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

I thought news of the raid was amusing but considering Trump is slippery as an eel, I'll believe he gets punished when I see it. But the sheer outrage... ah, that was delicious. It was like Christmas in August.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

These emptyheaded mouths are on TV outlets that exist designed just for their ill intentioned content. These lies and whataboutisms pay real money (include the super rich Alex Jones). To those not enthralled, those inured by now hopefully, they are funny, funny ridiculous, even when they reveal themselves. They hear only what they want to hear and make stuff up, deflect deflect deflect. It's the "on our side" people, the dividers that are ludicrously going to Make America Great. It could not possibly be that a crime ( one of many) may have been committed by their savior and is being investigated. That's because they cannot fathom honest government, honest legal process, honest people. It has to be them against us.

Pull out old dogs that don't hunt anymore- Hilary and Benghazi (don't forget her emails)- which was much ado about nothing that the NYTimes fell for too in 2016.

Now they appear more clowns and fools- hopefully out of power for good, one by one. You can wish for the orange suits but out of power for good will be enough regarding Trump and his ilk.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

Appreciate the special edition. It’s safe to say all of Maga is going thru some things. It’s amusing that Tuckems wasn’t on the air last night and also curious. Daily Beast says he’s “shitting” himself over the Jones texts. If that upset his gastros, news of the FBI must’ve really done a number on him. I hope the LEOs are watching closely this time cause there was a lot of lock and load chatter across the board.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

I read that MAGA world is also very upset with DeSantis for not warning/protecting Trump and that some threats are going around. It might be idle gossip but we all know those folks are crazy.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

Do we know if the RNC is still paying tfg's legal bills?

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They still were as of late last month

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

These people are goldfish. You cannot apply any linear thinking to them. I’m old enough to remember the 200 headings into Benghazi plus HRC sitting for 12 hours of them.

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I don't usually wake up in the middle of the night, but last night I did and made the mistake of going on Twitter. Where I proceeded to wallow in schadenfreude for three hours. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Thanks for the update.

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I don't read much news these days. I am seriously burned out and just don't want to spend my time reading about things I can't do anything about. I canceled my subscription to the Times a year ago. And my subscription to WaPo expired last month. I don't miss them, especially the way reader comments seem to be the same crap I see on social media. I read the New Republic, NPR, HuffPost, and that's all, because I don't like feeling helplessly angry. I read less than an hour of news every day, and prefer to read books.

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