Jan 19·edited Jan 19

If there is a "No Assholes Policy" shouldn't that eliminate Elon from his own company?

It is time to get power of any American programs out of that Nazi lovers hands. He has proven time and time again he is a toddler having temper tantrums about all American Agencies and Institutions.

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Exactly like Trump, go figure! Only Elon actually IS rich and smart, whereas Trump just played it on TV. It is terrible that he has the power he does, because it looks as though he is never going to grow out of his compulsion to make anyone who disagrees with him eat poop, just like the bullies did to him when he was a kid. Sad from all sides, because he really does have some good ideas in the tech sphere.

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Elon is smart enough to buy into other people's genius ideas. He takes credit for the hard wwmork of hundreds of engineers.

Just like Tfg everything is thanks to his father's blood fortune. Right down to the Wharton school for dictators. Not a single invention or idea has been his own. Elon is a complete fraud.

You are correct though. He'll make everyone's life hell on earth just to make himself look like a big deal.

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Well maybe if he's so smart, he should buy into some constructive psychology.

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Jan 19Liked by Aaron Rupar

Interesting piece.

Does the government have the wherewithal to end ties with SpaceX AND Starlink?

The NLRB case here, end of child labor laws in AK etc-R’s want labor laws turning back the clock to 19thcCentury. Elon just following the R trend.

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Musk: No censuring words for me, not for thee. I think that most people are getting very tired of whiny man-children who constantly want revenge, including Trump. Although I can't stand either of them and I'm very tired of reading about their latest outbursts I have to imagine that these are very unhappy people - money can't buy happiness. But, your comment "the “no asshole” rule is definitely not in effect in our nation’s highest Court"😂

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Jan 19·edited Jan 20

I'm have a hard time that no one has raised the alarm that he oversees most of the satellites we use for national defense/security. What's stopping him from turning them off, as he did with Ukraine, any time his little feelings get hurt? Do we have some kind of stopgap measure in place to prevent this?

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Nothing will stop him. He's another malignant narcissist, along with many more who are known bullies. He has way too much power. I hope our government has stopgaps in place. But there is no way of knowing. We can't get protections from banking abuses. We are all getting hacked every damn day. It feels very vulnerable. Your comment is eye opening.

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Elon is just one of the oligarch/billionaire class that are using their wealth to take control of the judiciary, the congress, and the media. The recent purchase of the Baltimore Sun by the billionaire of the right wing propaganda platform, Sinclair Media is a recent example. Maryland is a state that lately has become increasingly progressive. Therefore it is essential to mount a disinformation campaign against the elected state officials.

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Jan 21·edited Jan 21

Agreed. Heather Cox Richardson addresses the problem with media and disinformation today's letter. Here in NC, the NCGA has now gone on to full on attack mode on both public education and our state's public universities and brilliant folk l know who teach here are getting the hell out of NC . It breaks my heart as l moved here many years ago after grad school because of NC's progressive ideas on education and the arts. Now all the general assembly wants are drone workers bees who never question or think for themselves. This seems to be a thing in red states these days....

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One can take the Colonizer out of the country, but not the Colonizer out of the man.

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Imagine being the richest man in the world and your likely legacy is that you were the asshole.

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It's amazing how many of these man-children make it to these positions of power. They have it all and whine constantly. It's gross.

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Sadly, in the Trump era, the whiny faux victimization is a feature, not a bug.

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There seems to be no end to Musk's need for revenge, nor his (probable, in my mind) mental illness.

I learned a lot from this article; thanks.

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Last line of this piece is CLASSIC. (Some great lines throughout, in fact.) Thanks for this informative piece.

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Dies he realize what happens to would-be leaders who are hated?

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

“Turns out Mr. Free Speech wasn’t so absolute after all.”

Why do people keep posting things like this as if it’s something only recently realized? Musk has been vehemently opposed to speech he doesn’t like *always*. His hypocrisy/lies about being a “free speech absolutist” have been common knowledge since the day he took over Twitter.

Continuing to act as if this is something new is just normalizing his fascism.

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So that's what Musk is whining about? An open letter asking him not to be such an asshole on the Internet?


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