Mar 11, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

Aaron, are you able to expand on what Sen. Smith means when she says healthcare issues? Are her constituents asking for help, or expressing opinions on the bigger system and legislation they’d want?

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this is a good question but I did not follow up on her comments by asking about this specifically. I will keep this in mind for next time I talk to her, though

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Phillips humoring Nazis on DMs is somehow considered a bipartisan good I guess. I doubt he’d interact with any lunatic lefty at the same level.

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I’m with you here. I get what he’s trying to do by keeping communication open, but like so many other politicians, he’s missing the point. It’s not that we refuse to listen to the other side, it’s that the other side does nothing but lie, manipulate, propagate and misinform. Those listening & being brainwashed believe their ideas are just as valid as the left. But they’re not. They’re all based on lies. Attempting to treat both sides as rational, just with different perspectives on the same topics falls into the same trap. I’m ALWAYS open to listening to people and their various perspectives, but not when it’s all rooted in misinformation, debunked conspiracy theories, and hate. There’s dignified discourse where both sides are coming from the same facts, then there’s this asymmetrical version we have today.

I just want these politicians to start treating the truth and lies as different things.

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Every time Doocey opens his mouth & sounds like a petulant child thinking they know more than the teacher, he immediately gets schooled. Why does he keep doing it? He sounds like an idiot every single time and he never gets his “gotcha!” because Psaki is waaaaay too smart for him. It’s embarrassing, I cringe watching him like I do watching most, if not all, of Fox News. Thanks for another great post!

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Doocy makes my skin crawl. Definitely getting 'picked last for kickball' vibes from that guy.

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