Feb 28, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

Also, is there any way for this - "“Papa John” Schnatter characterized Russia’s attack on Ukraine as a false flag orchestrated by Biden to distract people" - to make sense?

First of all, the GOP insists that Biden is weak, ineffective, and sliding quickly into full-on dementia, so how could he "orchestrate" Putin iinto attacking Ukraine? Secondly, same question without the weak/ineffective/dementia part. It's bonkers.

These people don't even listen to themselves, or think about what statements they're clapping and cheering for, and yet they have so much power.

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Just remember, these are pretty much the same people who insist it was Clinton who colluded with the Russians. If you then point out that it’s funny she did so and then lost, they don’t acknowledge any lack of sense. In their minds, she can both collude *and* lose..

And in the end, it doesn’t matter if their utterance makes sense or not bc their supporters don’t care. So they just say anything. Like Putin and Trump and that Pappa John’s guy.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

I looked forward to reading this all weekend!

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Thanks Beth!

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Do we know who wrote Trump's to-do list giving him/President the power to fire anyone? If I was a journalist, I'd be sticking a camera and mic in a lot of GOP faces asking how they'd vote.

And, as always, I'll never understand how you can watch all the GOP crazy and remain sane. Many thanks for all you do!

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Agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of Romney. He actually sounded like a sane politician after seeing your tweets from CPAC. It should go without saying that he was far and away more lucid and statesmanlike following the few clips we saw from AFPAC. I begin to wonder if, perhaps, many of my countrymen have been wholesale exposed to brain-altering chemicals in the womb, or something. Can we figure out if any of them have any commonalities that might link them to such exposure? Might be worth a look!

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Wish Romney would challenge Trump instead of DeSantis. At least that way if we lose, there will be some sanity in the WH

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Nobody that supports Trump is a serious politician. And that includes Romney.

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