Apr 12, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

Did Harlan Crow claim any portion of these "hospitality events" as business expenses on a tax form? If he did, they are not gratis events. They are clearly defined business events.

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Oh, please...I can just picture Harlan, spouse, Clarence & Ginni (drink) in the RV looking for the right Walmart parking lot as the Thomas' reciprocate the Crows' largesse. And interesting how Ol' Harlan wasn't so interested in Clarence until the latter had been on the Court for some ten years.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

Aaron, I saw in my Public Notice notifications that you joined Notes. So I joined it, too. I know it must be a pain that you can't embed your Twitter videos here. Have you tried using "tiny url" to post videos here? I tested it, and although it does not embed the video, it does give a clickable link to the video you posted on twitter. This is one where Trump was telling Tucker about all the tears that were pouring down when he was in court.


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Thank you Ronni, I appreciate this tip

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I for one do not use Twitter, and I also don't generally listen to podcasts. I prefer reading because it is easier to control the time. I am a fast reader, so that may be why I prefer these things, but the lack of access to Tweets does not really diminish the content for me. However, I don't know how to use Substack that well, and I am sorry if the use of it is limited for you. I also don't write Linda's Substack. That is me trying to figure out how to format and accidentally getting signed up. Now that I know it is connected to Elon Musk, I am even less likely to want to write one. He is Musky Satan in our home, while Ron is DeSatan, told to me by my nephew who is in grad school. That is what he and his friends call DeSantis, and I find it more clever than any nickname Trump has come up with.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

I love Kat Abu’s tiktoks. I’ll look forward to hearing her on the podcast.

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It is time to impeach justices. I said it on my sign when I marched to support a woman's right to choose, and I say it again, we need to impeach justices for impeachable offenses. Since we have a big obstacle to this right now in the form of MAGAts in the Congress, who will block any chance to impeach because the courts have helped them to steal elections in their states, we need to double down in 2024 and make sure that even redistricting does not make a bit of difference because so many vote Democrats into power. To do this we need to youth vote. In Chicago only 35 voted in the election to determine alders and our new mayor. My daughter was one of the 18-24 year olds who voted. She voted for the first time because she turned 18. My nephew who is 24 and in grad school did not. He had just moved and could not do his finals, work his job, and get to his parents home, 2+ hours by public transportation in the City that Works. Prior to that he was not living in the city. Too bad I did not know, because I would have driven him. Still, many do not vote. They are not registered in the states where they go to school, and they are not signed up to vote by mail in their home states. Figuring out how to make it easier for the youth in college to vote, and to highlight the issues that make it more compelling for youth to vote might make or break this next election. Hallelujah that Wisconsin is one judge closer to fair voting districts and support for abortion.

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Yes. But suppose a new set of ethics rules were adopted, how would they, or even the old ones, be enforced? Who has jurisdiction over the Justices?

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