Unions have done so much to improve the lives of workers. It is about time we have a president who is embracing them. In return, unions should be educating their workers on who supports them as president. Chicago's police union leader is an unabashed Trump supporter. He also leads a membership of a department plagued with corruption. It would be good to see more unions showing their support for Biden openly like the American Federation of Teachers does.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023Liked by Aaron Rupar

The juxtaposition of Trump's "half-hearted" support for the UAW strike and Biden's actual support for the strike by joining in is also symbolic of the GOP demagoguery that has weakened the nation in modern times. Trump chooses the anti-intellectual path of attacking electric vehicles which is irrelevant and emblematic of the GOP's disrespect for their voters and their ability to think or engage with civic reality.

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As a 30 year retail worker, I’m happy to see so much awareness about unionization; especially by young people. Healthcare workers and Kroger workers have been on strike since last year-and don’t forget, Biden kind of screwed over the RR workers about striking and sick days ... he’s got to have a win out there. Workers must fight for a decent workplace AND for a government that will support their efforts.

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I’ll be interested to see if Biden’s pro-union stance (and low unemployment figures) does anything to reduce the decline in Democrat vote amongst Americans without college degrees, which I understand has been going on for some time. If it does this would be a significant political event that could lock Republicans out of office for some time. Given the anti-expert, anti-science and anti-intellectual orientation of recent Republicanism it’s hard to see them reversing the Democrat advantage with college educated Americans.

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“The Biden administration brokered a contract which included pay raises and other advances, but not sick days. Many progressives saw this, understandably, as a betrayal.”

While understandably disappointing, it would be nice if people would explain that we simply didn’t have the votes (Manchin and Sinema in the senate) to add those sick days. Let’s put the blame where it belongs, and yes, glad that 60% now have sick days.

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Trump’s supposed support of blue collar workers relied on the disastrous tarrifs on myriad imported goods. Did that help anyone? Biden has focused on part of why blue collar workers' rights have evaporated since Reagan: unions. Non-unionized workers need to be paying attention to the income and benefits of unionized workers. Which party has actually provided any support to blue collar workers? Not the pro-employer GOP.

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I just read the article to my husband who has been a community and labor organizer for over 20 years. He just said the law about companies getting a union automatically if they do unfair tactics during an election will only start in December, it will make his job a little easier he said.

His take on the movement of the Starbucks workers: they did get the right to unionize but none of them actually got a contract yet. He organized an action at a Starbucks last week for that...

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Biden build the economy from the middle out by providing middle-class, with good paying jobs and union representation. Interesting to note that union workers are 18% more likely to vote Democrat then nonunion workers.

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