Aaron, you are an exceptional journalist, and this coward has once again revealed his deep insecurity and fear of good journalism.

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Aaron Rupar

It’s a massacre. Journalists that called out Elon are getting banned left and right. But hey, you’re trending no. 1 on Twitter!

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Holy Shit. I'm so sorry to hear this. You were one of the first people that really stood out to me on Twitter. We will make a horrible noise.

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The banning of your account has really hastened my move to Post.

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What’s Post?

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post.news is a new social media site that's similar (though not identical to) the Nazi infested former Twitter in form, but...it's a much, much nicer place.

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Yes! Everyone should! I really like it and it’s much easier to use than Mastodon

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Took me a week or so to get on...

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I am #30,709 on the wait list. Ugggh.

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I just filled out the form and clicked. I've waited 10 minutes and it hasn't gone through yet. Hmmm.

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Wait, you have to wait? I just signed in and exited.... :(

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I tried again an hour later and it worked. It could have been a local internet glitch -- it's raining here, and that often weirds my internet connection. I'm now #57718 in the waitlist. ;-)

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Wow! My #30709 was from my request about 14 hours ago.

Based on your place on the waitlist, Post seems to have received at 20k request since last night.

Good. I hope MuskieRuskie is at least watching the migrations to Post or Mastodon based on his actions. 20k is small fry in the total, but I know folks who deactivated but have not migrated. (He also banned the Mastodon account after they posted a link to their site last night. Freeze Peach in the Public Square? Not so much, apparently. )

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Fwiw, I got in after a day and a half, from #57718. Clearly they're speeding up! (I haven't checked it out yet.)

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Me too. Not sure what number but probably behind you. 🫤

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It goes pretty fast, shouldn't take a week or so.

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It took me 2 days.

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I was 14,000 and it took about 3 days

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I was on the wait list for Post, then got a poll in my email from the Post creator like 6 weeks ago or so. It asked if I’d prefer to stay on the waiting list until all of the site features are available to me or access it with limited features. I chose the latter. The next day I was invited to log in. It’s a good experience so far. Although I’m still waiting for Spoutible to come to fruition, that may be my ultimate choice of platforms.

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I was on it for about a week.

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Aaron you are an amazing journalist and you are one of the reasons that I am still on Twitter at all. I do hope you get reinstated but if you don't I will continue to follow your YouTube and be a subscriber here and anywhere else you choose to hang your virtual hat. Sending love and support to you and yours!!!

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He does not need Twitter anymore… just needs to make it known where he can be found now.

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There have been 9 journalists banned tonight, so far. Hang in there. Have you tried @Post?

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who else out of curiosity? I bailed on the Hellsite so I'm out of the loop...

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Dec 16, 2022·edited Dec 16, 2022

Matt Binder, Keith Olbermann, Drew Harrell, Micah Lee, Tony Webster, Ryan Mac, Donie O'Sullivan and last but not least the site It's Going Down, antifascist site...Steve Herman from VOA, Mastodon,

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Thank you and UGH.

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I think it’s become clear that posting anything critical of Musk is against an unpublished Twitter policy.

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Well you just got a subscriber out of me so I could follow you here. This sucks. You being banned will be the reason why I left twitter. It sends such a message to me what Elon is really up to.. silencing people that don't stoke his ego. You are one of the best follows there. But now I have you here.

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Hey, this made me actually take the minute to subscribe. Hopefully it will motivate a lot of us lazy followers

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Fuck that thin-skinned jackass. I just subscribed here and I hope lots of other folks do the same. Your Twitter feed helped me get through the Tr*mp years (I barely made it, but still). Keep up the good work, Aaron!

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Come try Post.

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Don't forget Mastodon. It's not perfect, but a number of journalists have moved to various instances...

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I am on a waiting list for Post. Do you have any idea how long the list might be? I've been on the list about three weeks.

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I just got accepted after about three weeks. Keep an eye on your email and check in case it went to junk.

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When I signed up, the wait was only a few days. Since the shenanigans of Musk, I know the wait is longer. But please don’t give up. The site is in the beta stage right now, and it has some bugs, but it seems to be diligently working on improvements. Also, it’s just a nicer environment.

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Also, it seems like many of the people I followed on Twitter are migrating to Post. I also think it’s easier to navigate than Mastodon.

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Maybe that's our lifeboat off the Titanic. Wow.

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Check out Post. It's just in Beta but very good crowd. I'm sorry that jerk felt the need to f with you this way. Big baby.

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Welp, I signed up for your Substack writing to keep following you so there's that!

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Me too. I’m clueless but here I am🤣

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Glad I'm not alone. Completely clueless, but learning (or trying, at least)!

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We shall learn together🤣

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Same! Slowly we will learn and rebuild, beyond the reach of that thin-skinned fascist baby.

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Aaron pays attention to the darkest corners of our daily news cycle and, in particular, shines a light on the extreme right-wing conspiracy fueled propaganda machine to surface the most shocking events and statements which would otherwise go unnoticed by the rest of us.

It is easy to live in a bubble of egalitarian freedom and democracy, but the world does not work like that. The world is full of grifters, paranoid narcissists, inadequates, and downright sociopaths.

Every moment that we of sound mind take respite in the health and sanctity of our immediate surroundings and companions, a maniac is working double-time to find a way to get more by working less and come out on top this supposed zero-sum game of a world that pollutes their minds.

And now we have Elon Musk, this insouciant hack, petulantly banning sane voices from his Twitter because someone has hurt his feelings. Oh, little child, let's put a Band-Aid on that boo boo and whisper in your ear how everyone else in the world is wrong but you.

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All this suspension did was galvanize my thoughts on Musk and his intentions for Twitter, as well as make me subscribe to your substack. If you decide to use a different social media platform going forward, please let us know. Enjoy your holiday with your family, and thanks for all you’ve done for us, and democracy, with your reporting.

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Unfreakingreal! We all relied on your work. Subscribed. 👊🏻

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