One tweet shows how Tucker Carlson shamelessly moves the goalposts
“Bioweapons” suddenly became “biolabs."
Today’s newsletter is relatively short, but the top item is as perfect an illustration of right-wing dishonesty as you’re likely to see.
It’s a bit of an addendum to my post from Monday, when I wrote about how Tucker Carlson has gone all in on anti-anti-Putinism since Russia invaded Ukraine. It’s about this tweet:
Some might look at it and think, ‘Whoa, the US government confirmed there are biolabs in Ukraine? Sounds bad.’ It isn’t. The US has openly been involved in research in such labs in Ukraine for 15 years, and throughout the world, working to curb the spread of infectious diseases. This is normal and important stuff, at least if you think preventing pandemics is something governments should try to do.
But what I want to focus on today is how Carlson subtly moved the goalposts. He’s now trying to make a big fuss out of the US government confirming there are “biolabs” in Ukraine. This, however, represents a dramatic change from last week, when Carlson was accusing the Biden administration of developing bioweapons in Ukraine.