Important Public Notice update. Don't worry — it's good news!
I'm not selling to Elon Musk or anything like that.
Dear readers,
Good news! My wife and I are expecting the arrival of a baby boy any day now. (I’d say our daughter Mia is expecting her little brother as well, but I think she just wonders why her mom’s tum is so big.) We’re obviously really excited about adding to our family.
And more good news! I have lots of quality stuff lined up here in Public Notice even as I step away from day-to-day writing for a few weeks to focus on dad stuff. I’m still planning to publish the newsletter two times each week, with freelance contributions from quality political writers such as Noah Berlatsky and Sam Thielman, Q&As I’ve already been working on, occasional columns from me, and more. I’ll ramp back up to my normal publishing schedule as we get deeper into the summer.
I really appreciate your support during this time, and will be working hard to make sure it’s worth your money. If you’re not already a paid subscriber, now is a great opportunity to do it, as a good chunk of what I’m planning to publish after the baby arrives will be for subscribers only. (I’m also planning to hold a virtual happy hour for founding members early this summer — stay tuned for more details on that.)
That’s it for today, though I’ll be back tomorrow with a special Friday edition of the newsletter featuring the first freelance contribution to Public Notice — a column from Berlatsky exploring the major fault lines of the Republican Party and explaining why they matter. I’m excited to feature different voices in the newsletter, and I hope you’ll enjoy it too.
Congratulations! Hope he's a good sleeper!
Congratulations 🎉🎈